Taking the Case to the Streets? Update on Muntazar al-Zaidi

The Iraqi Government's ploy to stem news coverage of Muntazar al-Zaidi's case, by releasing his supposed letter asking for a pardon, seems to have succeeded --- at least with the British and American press. There is nothing this morning except a summary in The Guardian, which leads with the confirmation by an Iraqi judge of al-Zaidi's beating.
The valuable McClatchy News Service, however, is onto what may be a significant development: the defense of al-Zaidi in the streets. It reports on a small but vocal demonstration outside Baghdad's Green Zone, joined by some politicians, al-Zaidi's family, and protesters from outside Baghdad. Other rallies took place throughout Iraq.
Whether this becomes a "shoe intifada", as an Iranian ayatollah colourfully labelled the protests, remains to be seen. Given the Iraqi Government's attempt to obscure the al-Zaidi case --- literally, as he still has not been seen by family and lawyers --- it may be the best hope to cut through the facade of "justice" around his detention.
The valuable McClatchy News Service, however, is onto what may be a significant development: the defense of al-Zaidi in the streets. It reports on a small but vocal demonstration outside Baghdad's Green Zone, joined by some politicians, al-Zaidi's family, and protesters from outside Baghdad. Other rallies took place throughout Iraq.
Whether this becomes a "shoe intifada", as an Iranian ayatollah colourfully labelled the protests, remains to be seen. Given the Iraqi Government's attempt to obscure the al-Zaidi case --- literally, as he still has not been seen by family and lawyers --- it may be the best hope to cut through the facade of "justice" around his detention.
George Bush,
Muntadhar al-Zaidi,
Muntazar al-Zaidi,
Nouri al-Maliki,
Shoes in