Horse Story of the Day

The Daily Telegraph reports that a 46-year-old man in Guernsey has been jailed for three years after intimate relations with a horse.
The significance for us of this story is not the act and the conviction --- this may or may not happen in Guernsey every day --- but the great lengths to which the British newspaper went in protecting the horse's rights as a victim, to the extent of concealing his identity:

For some reason, the Daily Telegraph has now withdrawn the photo from its website. But, at least for a fleeting moment, we applaud the paper's concern with the protection of the descendants of Mr Ed.
The significance for us of this story is not the act and the conviction --- this may or may not happen in Guernsey every day --- but the great lengths to which the British newspaper went in protecting the horse's rights as a victim, to the extent of concealing his identity:

For some reason, the Daily Telegraph has now withdrawn the photo from its website. But, at least for a fleeting moment, we applaud the paper's concern with the protection of the descendants of Mr Ed.

Horses in
Journalism & Media