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Entries in David Brooks (2)


Assessing the US Economy: David Brooks is...Chauncey Gardener

Perhaps we were being too harsh on David Brooks of The New York Times ("the drying husks of the fall") yesterday. Gareth Sellers refers us to Being There, the 1979 novel and film in which a gardener played by Peter Sellers becomes President on the basis of his "economic wisdom":

Growth has its season… as long as the roots are not severed, all is well, and all will be well in the garden.

How David Brooks will save the US economy:


Pointless Economic Comment of the Day

[UPDATE: David Brooks...Is Chauncey Gardener]

For all those who may have lost a job or had the bank foreclose on the house, David Brooks of The New York Times has consoling words for you:

Social change has a natural rhythm. The season of prosperity gives way to the season of economic scarcity, and out of the winter of recession, new growth has room to emerge. A stimulus package may be necessary, but unless designed with care, its main effect will be to prop up the drying husks of the fall.