Fact x Importance = News (Dec 8)

- American counterterrorism officials say Pakistan's ISI provided assistance to the Mumbai attackers.
- Lebanon is immune to the global financial collapse.
- One blogger fears a Yugoslavia-style break-up for Canada.
- Fox News is up in arms about "A Lego-style figurine resembling an Islamic terrorist strapped with explosives and made by a small American company." The company, which also produces Nazis, spies, World War 2 marines and a plethora of tiny weaponry, has currently stopped taking orders due to overwhelming demand.
[Photo via BrickArms]
Reader Comments (1)
The Religion of Peace is up in arms over it. Imams are quick to condemn lego jihadists, but don't condemn human jihadists.
"I don't think there's any difference between someone that shouts hatred through a megaphone and someone that creates a doll that glorifies terrorists." --Chief Executive Mohammed Shafiq
One can kill you. The other one can't.