Torture: A Small Fightback from Berkeley City Council

From The Raw Story:
"John Yoo, author of the infamous 'torture memo' which the Justice Department used as a legal basis for the Bush Administration's use of harsh interrogation techniques, is under fire once again.
On Monday, Berkeley's city council will vote on a proposal by its Peace and Justice Commission as to whether they will recommend war crimes charges for the UC Berkeley constitutional and international law professor. If passed, the measure would also order UC Berkeley to provide alternative courses to Yoo's class at the Boalt Hall School of Law."
"John Yoo, author of the infamous 'torture memo' which the Justice Department used as a legal basis for the Bush Administration's use of harsh interrogation techniques, is under fire once again.
On Monday, Berkeley's city council will vote on a proposal by its Peace and Justice Commission as to whether they will recommend war crimes charges for the UC Berkeley constitutional and international law professor. If passed, the measure would also order UC Berkeley to provide alternative courses to Yoo's class at the Boalt Hall School of Law."
Berkeley California,
John Yoo,
Torture in
War On Terror

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