Breaking News: Israeli Attacks Kill More than 100 in Gaza

Last week we projected, as the Hamas-Israel truce ended, that the cycle of rocket attacks and Israeli raids would spiral.
The wait is over. After an escalation in the rockets across the border, with the deadly irony that it was two Palestinian schoolgirls who were killed when a missile misfired, the Israeli Defense Forces launched their own deadly strikes against "a series of Hamas targets and infrastructure facilities".
The Israelis are leading with the claim that the Hamas police chief is dead. Information from medical sources and officials in Palestine indicate 120 have been killed and more than 250 wounded.
UPDATE: Scott has posted a more in-depth analysis here.
The wait is over. After an escalation in the rockets across the border, with the deadly irony that it was two Palestinian schoolgirls who were killed when a missile misfired, the Israeli Defense Forces launched their own deadly strikes against "a series of Hamas targets and infrastructure facilities".
The Israelis are leading with the claim that the Hamas police chief is dead. Information from medical sources and officials in Palestine indicate 120 have been killed and more than 250 wounded.
UPDATE: Scott has posted a more in-depth analysis here.
Al Jazeera,
Israeli Defense Forces,
Palestine in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (95)
Finally... what took them so long?
This is the only language Hamas understands. Its too bad the innocent have to suffer for what their government condones. However, the people voted Hamas in and now they are paying the price.
Did they really believe Israel would sit by and be bombarded with rockets on a daily basis? The only way to stop Hamas is to make the cost so high they will have to think twice before launching another rocket against the civilian population.
Way to go, Israel! Hey Hamas, stick with rock-throwing from now on. You just smoked a couple of Palestinians girls with one of your rockets! And don't even think of blaming it on the Israelis.
For those who wrote the comments below.. you should be ashamed of yourselves.. killing innocent people by the Nazi state terror of Israel should make you cry.. that if I assume you are human beings.. Israel is only destroying itself and digging for its grave.. the blood of these innocent people will not be forgotten.. and just likethe Nazi's.. Israel, as a racist criminal, state will see an end.. their massacers will only make it sooner.. No nation that has no respect for basic human rights can survive for long.. a monster state can never survive forever.. the weak will rise oneday .. and the monster will be defeated.. this is a fact..
The crimes of Israel is causing more crimes against the Jewish people.. the only way to protect the Jews around the world.. is to get rid of Israel.. so they can live in peace in future Palestine..
I hope we will not read about more people dancing on the bones of the innocent children, women and men killed in Gaza.. our prayers with great people of Gaza..
How in The hell is this justified 2 israelis confirmed dead and 200+ palestinians dead! And who exactly is the terrorist state? Justice will come to all who are killing the innocent! The revolution Will come and justice will be paid
heyy!!!!! whats wrong with u guys!
people citizens kids womens andddd families are dead.. and dyinggg!
and ur happyyyy!
have mercy!
Haven't the Palestinians suffered enough. These are not criminals, but innocent civilians. 60 plus years of this. israel is the true terrorist here.
All Hamas believes in is violence.
1) There was a truce
2) Hamas broke it this time by firing rockets that killed two small children (Typical and not the first time they broke a truce)
3) Israel should level Gaza. Kill all people there. Let God sort it out afterwards since there will be no peace with Palestine or Hamas.
4) Merry Christmas!
Comment removed by moderator
Five years ago I did a report on terror attacks against Israel. In an 18 month period, the equivalent of 10,000 Americans had been killed in terror attacks. The US took out 2 whole freakin' COUNTRIES for 3,000. There have been over 3,000 launches against Israel in the past 2 months. None of those launches were against military targets. They were all against civilians. The restraint of the Israeli government has been admirable.
People who choose terror as a weapon should not cry foul when those they terrorize decide to decisively strike back. How do you like it when it's your wives and children who are dead?
When you choose to install terrorists as your government and teach your children that being a suicide bomber is a noble thing, then do not scream when your intended victims strike down those very children before they are able to kill themselves and take others with them.
Five years ago I did a report on terror attacks against Israel. In an 18 month period, the equivalent of 10,000 Americans had been killed in terror attacks. The US took out 2 whole freakin' COUNTRIES for 3,000. There have been over 3,000 launches against Israel in the past 2 months. None of those launches were against military targets. They were all against civilians. The restraint of the Israeli government has been admirable.
People who choose terror as a weapon should not cry foul when those they terrorize decide to decisively strike back. How do you like it when it's your wives and children who are dead?
When you choose to install terrorists as your government and teach your children that being a suicide bomber is a noble thing, then do not scream when your intended victims strike down those very children before they are able to kill themselves and take others with them.
Thanks to all for noting the story and starting the discussion.
I know emotions and concerns will be high but please try and keep the comments respectful and, if possible, constructive.
Go Israel! Stand strong and may GOD protect you from the hate of these terrorists. I am praying to the one true GOD (JEHOVAH) for you. Also I pray that these terrorists give their heart to the LORD and get saved.
Oh my God....are these humans who wrote these comments???? are they really happy to what is happening???? and what about the first comment: finally, it took them so long for what?? to see blood on the streets??? watching the news and reading all these comments at the same time makes me so saaaaaaaaad...can't believe that there's one human heart who feels happy about that...shame on us humans...whatever our religion is... we're really worse than the satan....we just talk about PEACE, but i don't think there is peace and there are people thinking like that...
may God bless their souls and give courage to their families.... and i hope that we do remember that we have one God.
That's one for the gipper!!
guys ur sick!
your enjoying watching kids dying!
you should try the feeling, when your family been killed !!!!!!
i'll pray for God to try this feeling!
the israelis remind the whole world of the holocaust!! and they forgot it tem selves!!!!
"the only way to protect the Jews around the world.. is to get rid of Israel.. so they can live in peace in future Palestine.."
The post 1948 situation may be untenable, but the Palestinian Muslims will probably slaughter the Jews if the state of Israel is disestablished. I don't think it is possible to go back before 1948. If it had been possible at any point in time, then we are long past that point.
All those who are in Defence of Hamas are in defence of terrorsim!
Hamas is a terorist organization. People in Israel are in daily threat. 60+ rockets a day to Israel cties sounds normal to you?
What Israel did all this time when Hamas was launching 60+ rockets on Israel? Israel did nothing! Israel tried to talk with Hamas, to talk with Egypt so we can finally have a peace but Hamas don't agree. You know why? Hamas wants palestinians to die. The more palstinians die the more money and international help they get. Instead of helping the palstinians Hamas is using everything for attacking Israel.
They are terrosrists! and this is the only way to stop terrorism! I want to see how other countries will react if someone will throw on them a rain of rockets every day.
So stop being ignorant to the situation. Look at the whole picture and not only the things Hamas want to you to see.
Israel's people are suffering the same as the Palastinens and even more!
This only a small part of Israel's routine:
How twisted are the minds of those celebrating Israel's blood bath. Attacking with F-16s a civilian population that had already been driven to the extremes of endurance, humiliation, methodically starved and deprived of any dignity .
It is both shameful, gullible and insulting for our intelligence that some folks have even guts to call this massacre "Israel defending itself", even though she is the real force terrorizing a million people. It is Israel's racist and inhumane state policy that they kill 100 Palestinians for every one dead Israeli. Check out the statistics in the last 50 years...
Hey America WAKE UP!! CNN and BBC was calling 44 dead for hours even though most independent media said hundreds from the start...
shut up and watch this video!
this is whats happening right nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
A great shame and a pity that anyone has to die but surely any reasonable person would agree that Israel has been admirably restrained in the face of almost two hundred rocket attacks agains only civilians in southern Israel.
Do Hamas really think that Israel would not eventually retaliate against them?
My feeling is that Hamas initiates these rocket attacks to get Israel to retaliate which in turn has the international media blaming Israel for the retaliation.
Any thinking person knows that Israelis have provided the world with much in the way of advances in medical procedures, technology, literature and much more (just see the proportionate amount of Nobel prizes relative to only the handful received by ALL of the Arab nations combined), and that Israelis want PEACE but not at any cost.
If the Palestinians and all their supporters had advocated peaceful negotiations instead of constant terror attacks against the civilian population of Israel it is certain that some sort of peace deal would have been reached years ago. But it appears that the Palestinians and their supporters not only want it all, they also want the destruction of Israel and all Jews.
Is it really any surprise that the Israelis defend themselves?
Would France, Gt Britain, Germany or Russia behave any differently in the face of continuous terrorist attacks? Gt Britain should remember how they behaved towards the Irish, France should remember its Algerian reactions and Germany should just remember.
Isnt it about time that the new wave anti semites and anti Israel pro-palestinian apologists got real and smelled the roses.
If the Arab nations dont want peace, and God knows they have shown in enough ways that they dont, then they shouldnt cry when the retaliation is tougher than they think they deserve.
Dont send rockets - no retaliatory air strikes! Dont need to be a genius to see that!
Dana, you don't have to show me this. I saw it too.
Israel don't want a WAR.
If you will check deeper you will found that most of the Palestinians that died were Hamas actives and in other words: TERRORISTS. This is a FACT not an opinion.
I am really sad to see that some innocents palestinian were injured too but the difference is:
Hamas is attacking innocent people by laucnhing 60+ rockets on Israel daily!
Did you forget it? Did you forget the reason Israel is attacking? Do you think that people dying is the only damage done? People can't live in Israel. Children don't got to school. They suffer from shock. Every second can be their last second! I want to see you when every second of your life may be your last one.
Yes, the Palestinian are suffering but Israel's people are suffring the SAME!!
And as for saying that Israel attacks innocent people so:
Israel is not attacking innocent people and it's well know (in contrat to the Hamas which does). Yes, innocent people are dying too the SAME as rockets of Hamas are killing innocent people too.
And finally, I doubt you can call the "innocent" Palsetinans innocent people because people that elect a terrorist organizarions to be their government are far away from being innocent people!
Facts are Facts and nothing you will say will change it!
what the 198 dead citizens did to be killed and burned!
shame on israel!
Your claims are pathetic and pointless.
At this point I decided to stop arguing with you. I said all what I wanted.
and as I said Facts are Facts and nothing you will say will change it!