Iran: Closure of Human Rights Center

American media is reporting the closure of the Center for the Defense of Human Rights, headed by lawyer and Nobel Prize Laureate Shirin Ebadi, by Iranian security yesterday. Center officials and the US media are speculating that the closure is connected with a ceremony, due to take place hours later, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Iran's Mehr News Agency said the closure was due to the Center's "illegal activities, such as publishing statements, writing letters to international organizations and holding news conferences". The Center was due to give a prize to Taghi Rahmani, an opposition figure arrested several times for "crimes against national security".
Any further information on the closure would be welcomed.
Iran's Mehr News Agency said the closure was due to the Center's "illegal activities, such as publishing statements, writing letters to international organizations and holding news conferences". The Center was due to give a prize to Taghi Rahmani, an opposition figure arrested several times for "crimes against national security".
Any further information on the closure would be welcomed.
Reader Comments (6)
The center's funding comes from western sources and therefore it is not an independent NGO. It's a western sponsored organization, with a pro-western agenda. Therefore it makes it very difficult for one to sympathize with them.
The center's funding comes from western sources and therefore it is not an independent NGO. It's a western sponsored organization, with a pro-western agenda. Therefore it is very difficult for one to sympathize with them.
What does the government have to fear of open discussion and criticism if its political and religious claims are true? Nothing. But if its claims are false? Everything.
Where does the funding come from, Mo? From an NGO or ultimately from a government? Which government? You need to be more clear about the full picture; I'm very interested in hearing your reply.
Ebadi has told Iranian reporters on numerous occassions that her funding comes from the west. Most people that I know in the country don't see any reason why Iran should allow western funding to be used inside the country by groups closely affilated to the the EU or the US. There are tens of anti-Iranian Persian television channels broadcasting into Iran from the US and the UK. How many TV channels which are critical of the Saudi regime are being broadcast from these countries? None. It would be silly to believe that the agenda is freedom and democracy. Instead of interfering in other countries the US and EU should put their own house in order, stop occupying countries and stop supporting racism and apartheid in Palestine.
Iran's most popular news website '' is firmly against the government. Newspapers such as Hamshahri, Jame Jam, Etemade Melli, Donyaye Eghtesad, Etemad,...are all somewhere between critical and hostile regarding the current administration. Hence, the there is a great deal of open debate in the country.
Western governments are just as fearful of open discussion and criticism as anyone else. Otherwise they would not have banned the pro-Hizbollah Almanar TV from broadcasting into their countries. They do not have the self confidence to allow a single TV channel (in Arabic!) to broadcast alternative news material into their countries.
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