Christmas Display of the Year: "Santa Claus Will Take You to Hell"

From United Press International:
A Kansas church known for its militant opposition to homosexuality wants to post a warning against Santa Claus in the Washington State Capitol.
A sign from the Westboro Baptist Church saying "Santa Claus will take you to hell" would join other religious statements on the third floor of the building, The Olympian reported. The posted displays include a nativity scene, a menorah and several atheist messages as well as a sign celebrating the winter solstice.
Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka is best known for picketing military funerals with signs that blame deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan on U.S. acceptance of homosexuality. The church is led by Fred Phelps Sr. and most of its members are his children and grandchildren.
The proposed sign would include a mocking version of the song "Santa Claus is coming to town" with messages deriding Santa as an idol.
"So get this fact straight:
you're feeling God's hate,
Santa's to blame for the economy's fate,
Santa Claus will take you to hell."
Westboro Baptist Church in
US Politics

Reader Comments (5)
And this "church" would be the first to damn the extremist factions of Islam. As a Christian, it pains me to see these misguided morons associated in the media with the word "church" or claiming to represent Christianity. Many Muslims surely cringe as well when they see homicide bombers acting in the name of Islam. Could we all be more alike than we wish to acknowledge? Gasp!
"Many Muslims surely cringe as well when they see homicide bombers acting in the name of Islam."
I think Muslims are afraid to criticise them. That's why they remain silent.
That church is right about one thing -- our acceptance of homosexuality does fuel Taliban/Islamist hatred and adds to the anti-West mindset. For them, it is proof that we are evil infidels. This homophobia is rampant among European Muslims. More than 90% of the violence against the homosexual community in Holland is committed by Muslims.
Rick, couldn't agree more. Only hope that, in the absurdity of this, folks realise how damaging activities like those of Westboro are....
But groups like the one in Westboro are tiny. Nobody takes them seriously. They're not recruiting people and they have no major financial backer.
This group was supposed to picket in Tennessee, during a time of mourning and funerals of 4 cheerleaders who had been hit head on in a bad traffic accident. The group did not show up, but there was security in place, and the school nearby the targeted spot for the group, closed for the day as a precaution. I believe the statement was made, "Tn is full of sin". I have no clue of what sin they are talking about, no drugs or alcohol was a factor. I imagine because they were cheerleaders? Maybe tons of people need to picket near this church when they try to have service.