Turkey and Israel: Will There Be a Misstep in Their Diplomatic Dance?

Turkey: Manoeuvring Against Israel Over Palestine
Shifting Alliances: The Israel-Turkey-Syria Triangle
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The complex dance between Ankara and Tel Aviv --- how does one keep in step on vital economic and military ties when there are so many tricky political issues to negotiate? --- continues.
On Monday, the military relationship got a symbolic and real boost with Turkish, Israeli, and American participation in the annual Reliant Mermaid search-and-rescue naval exercise in the Mediterranean. On the other hand, the Turkish Government’s criticism of Israel policies, pursued in part for domestic political benefits, has not come to an end.
Last week Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Israel would no longer be a part of Turkish-mediated talks with Syria. Ayalon added that this was not because of Ankara's "failure” but because of Syria’s “intransigence”, but this was not enough for Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. Davutoglu said this week that the time has come for Israel to openly display its will for peace, if it has any such intentions.
The daily manipulations and challenges in diplomatic circles continue to overshadow the strong links between the security institutions of Turkey and Israel. So a vital question emerges, beyond Ankara's domestic calculations. If Israel continues to pursue policies at odds with Turkey's manoeuvres with Middle East states, which gives way: Ankara's hopes for expansion of influence in the region or its economic-military bonds with the country hindering that grand strategy?
Shifting Alliances: The Israel-Turkey-Syria Triangle
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On Monday, the military relationship got a symbolic and real boost with Turkish, Israeli, and American participation in the annual Reliant Mermaid search-and-rescue naval exercise in the Mediterranean. On the other hand, the Turkish Government’s criticism of Israel policies, pursued in part for domestic political benefits, has not come to an end.
Last week Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Israel would no longer be a part of Turkish-mediated talks with Syria. Ayalon added that this was not because of Ankara's "failure” but because of Syria’s “intransigence”, but this was not enough for Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. Davutoglu said this week that the time has come for Israel to openly display its will for peace, if it has any such intentions.
The daily manipulations and challenges in diplomatic circles continue to overshadow the strong links between the security institutions of Turkey and Israel. So a vital question emerges, beyond Ankara's domestic calculations. If Israel continues to pursue policies at odds with Turkey's manoeuvres with Middle East states, which gives way: Ankara's hopes for expansion of influence in the region or its economic-military bonds with the country hindering that grand strategy?