EA's Academic Conference of 2010: "Monty Python in International Context"

Colleagues at the University of Lodz in Poland inform us that they will be hosting the conference, "Monty Python in Its British and International Cultural Contexts, or How to Recognise the Spanish Inquisition from Quite a Long Way Away", will be held on 28-29 October 2010.
We have known for some time that modern Britain is defined to a great extent by Python (but no, we are not posting the Dead Parrot Sketch, as that is just too flaming obvious; instead, readers are referred to the best three-minute explanation of Marxist theory ever put on film). Still, we were initially skeptical of the international dimension, given that no one really recognises or can even expect the Spanish Inquisition:
However, on further reflection, we see the value of new international perspectives. Consider, for example, Python's examination of Australian culture, carried out in association with the Philosophy Department of the University of Woolloomooloo:
And how could we ever forgot the incisive portrayal of our Canadian friends?
We have known for some time that modern Britain is defined to a great extent by Python (but no, we are not posting the Dead Parrot Sketch, as that is just too flaming obvious; instead, readers are referred to the best three-minute explanation of Marxist theory ever put on film). Still, we were initially skeptical of the international dimension, given that no one really recognises or can even expect the Spanish Inquisition:
However, on further reflection, we see the value of new international perspectives. Consider, for example, Python's examination of Australian culture, carried out in association with the Philosophy Department of the University of Woolloomooloo:
And how could we ever forgot the incisive portrayal of our Canadian friends?