UPDATED Kyrgyzstan: Former President Bakiyev Charged With Mass Killing

"We will seek extradition of Bakiyev to Bishkek and bringing him to criminal responsibility," Mr Beknazarov said. "Kyrgyzstan's law enforcement agencies have already been instructed to request their Belarussian counterparts for Bakiyev's extradition."
UPDATED 21 APRIL: Speaking from Minsk in Belarus, the former Kyrgyz leader declared, "I, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, am the legally elected president of Kyrgyzstan and recognised by the international community."
Bakiyev, calling the provisional government of Roza Otunbayeva an "illegtimate gang", said, "I do not recognise my resignation. Nine months ago the people of Kyrgyzstan elected me their president and there is no power that can stop me. Only death can stop me."
Kurmanbek Bakiyev, the deposed president of Kyrgyzstan has left Kazakhstan four days after he took refuge in the country.
Kazakh Foreign Ministry spokesman Ilyas Omarov told The Associated Press he didn't know where Bakiyev was headed: "He's left Kazakhstan — there are no details on his planned destination'."