Latest Iran Video: Neda Replaces IRI Flag at Embassy in Netherlands

During an occupation of the grounds of the Iranian Embassy in The Hague on Tuesday, protesters take down the Iranian flag and put up a giant flag with the image of Neda Agha Soltan, killed by a Basij gunshot on 20 June:
Neda Agha Soltan,
The Netherlands in
Middle East & Iran

Reader Comments (5)
This is not too far from where I live! :-)
Here's some more info:
Didn’t the police stop the protestors from occupying the embassy?!
are the occupiers Iranians. their faces seem they r not.
it was not a good work.
Where do you stand on 2009 election?
Protesters are your fellow Iranians. They try to do their parts in opposing the illegitimate government in Iran. Do you not want them to bring the Islamic Republic flag down?
I strongly denounce this not wise action!
Especially if the occupiers were not Iranians they should be prosecuted because they have invaded Iran's territory. Despite having problems with the government, invading a part of Iran's territory is not an acceptable task!
I am completely for Mr.Musavi. i voted him n now i love the green movement.
no i don't like to bring the IRI flag down since it is the symbol of Iran’s government. We want to reform our government. We r not going to lose any thing we have.