Iran: President Ahmadinejad's Joke of the Day

EA readers will know that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is one of our favourite stand-up comedians, be it his slapstick humour (Ahmadinejad v. Giant Flying Bug sketch from shortly after the 2009 election), his visual games (Mahmoud and His Brightly-Coloured Charts), or his nicknames (world leaders are "Retarded"; the US and UN are "Satanic").
But Mahmoud brought the house down on Monday, saying this to Iran's police forces with a straight face:
“Today wherever we go, waves of people express their love for the Islamic Republic and our dear Supreme Leader; even in Europe and the US. If they do away with censorship, it will become clear how the people of the world are enamoured of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the path of the Iranian nation.”
Fun Censorship Fact: Since Ahmadinejad took office in 2005, more than 20 publications have been banned.
Did You Know? In no-censorship Iran, thousands of websites are filtered.
Punch Line: More than 100 journalists have been detained since 12 June 2009.
Reader Comments (25)
@Scott Lucas...
Why does Ahmadinejad make such absurd statements, are these symptoms of a failing power? I don't think anyone else in the Iranian Govt, has gone this far (not even Friday prayer clerics!).
There are a lot of ways to make a "we are strong, stable and supported" statement but why stretch the reality to such an extent?
He (or they) MUST have something incredible in mind. Is he trying to distort reality the way his western counterparts do?
Sometimes you could think he's just plain nuts. For example, back in 2008, Iran's former nuclear negotiator, a cleric, said that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government was encouraging superstitious practices:
Thank you for the link.
Return of the 12th Imam? I convince myself that this man is not as illogical as he sounds. I know hes into conspiracy theories and very open about them, maybe hes carrying out a conspiracy of his own.
Maybe I am the conspiracy theorist and this guys actually crazy
I wish I hadn't typed that line: "Maybe I am the conspiracy theorist and this guys actually crazy".
I never use such ambiguous words (crazy, mad, stupid) to describe someone. I prefer a more accurate term, I just can't come up with one in this case. Maybe someone could explain why this man says what he says.
Check out the blast from the past article on a similar (ie nutty, religious) theme I posted yesterday when I was feeling a bit punchy:
President Ahmadinejad is very clever and crafty. He makes fun of you and retaliates in kind. You say regime in Iran should be changed. He talks of regime change in Israel and world without US and Israel. You brag about G20 he brags about G2 ( Iran and Venzuela ). You talk about curtailing uranium enrichment, he talks about accelerated enrichment to 20 percent purity. You talk about freedom and human rights and he talks about Iran being free and US and Europe lacking such freedom. You support zionist and he questions holocaust knowing well want went through Nazi Germany ( Iran TV had a serial showing Iranian diplomats helping jews against persecution during WWII ). As long as Iran is bad mouthed day in day out in media, Ahmadinejad will have his counter bad mouthing.
An other bragging psycho ceramic - seems to be a much more serious case for the madhouse.
Andre Daie,
It is really grieving to read such prefabricated "truths" by a supposed compatriot.
Obviously you do not live in Iran, or if you do it must be in some remote village without access to any media...
Instead of repeating the government's propaganda, start to look around and think by yourself. The "Islamic Republic" is not badmouthed by Western media, it is a shame to any decent and patriotic Iranian. If it was really "Islamic", it would not kill its citizens on Ashura, or torture and rape them in prisons. If it was really free, it would not imprison peaceful protesters, students, journalists, human rights activists and political opponents.
Your so-called "president" is neither clever nor crafty, but simply an uncivilized dictator from the gutter, trying to impose his "way of life" on the whole Iranian society. As no decent citizen is willing to accept this shameful way of living, he can only resort to beating, imprisoning, raping and killing his compatriots.
I recommend you to start thinking by yourself: "Born as originals, why should we die as copies?"
Ahmadinejad is merely having some "fun". As selected President of Iran , he can say whatever he wants whenever he wants. He is so cocky and sure of his position, that he can do this. It is a game to him. See what I can do? I can do whatever I want - no none can stop me! Black is white and white is black. It is whatever I want it to be - because I AM the selected President of Iran.
Dear Ms. Arshama
I am a US citizen and I live in Gladstone MO, north of Kansas City, Missouri. I did not defend or attack president Ahmadinejad. All I am saying try to figure out Ahmadinejad's posturing. Who I am or where I live is irrelevant. Another case in point;my country US talks about non-proliferation and Ahmadinejad taks about total disarmament. It's a tit for tat for him. I noticed this trait in him long time ago and everytime something comes up in media, to some degrees, I can anticipate his reaction. All the best to you.
Yeah, i think Andre Daie was being sarcastic with those comments. Going "tit for tat" doesn't make someone a's called reactionary politics and AN is becoming quite skilled it. He doesn't have any actual plans for the country, as long as they prepare fore the return of the mythical Mehdi.
as the title says, he's a joke. He jokes, and he loves it when people take him seriously.
Dear Mr. Andre Daie,
Thank you for clarifying your position, which was not as obvious to me.
Your allusion to "the return of the mythical Mehdi" reminds me of Khomeini's infamous slogan "faghat be qiyamat fekr konid" (be only mindful of Judgment Day). 31 years later it has become evident to a majority of Iranians what he meant by that...
I wouldn't have any problem with AN being a joke, if he didn't represent 80 millions of Iranians de facto (apart from the obvious rigging). It is them who will have to pay the price for his constant insulting and ridiculising the international community.
(Mr.) Arshama
Hi Andre,
Your post 6 describes AN's tactics to a tee. This is why he is so devastating to American main stream media TV interviewers, whose portfolios are much too limited to be able to take him on with an equal amount of rapid fire 'tit-for-tat' that covers the entire history of civilisation. Look how all the major network interviewers fell on their faces when AN went to the UN last year. Even experienced journalists specialised or working in the Middle East have to do serious preparation if they want to get anywhere with him. He knows exactly what he's doing and he loves it - that's why he's always got that smirk on his face.
But that's just street smarts and a well-honed obstructionist/reductionist debating technique. The only thing he knows how to do as a political leader is make sure the stake holders of the regime remain in power and make money. When it comes to formulating - or just even following - intelligent policies for the good of his country and the Iranian people, imo he's a village idiot (not to mention a religious nut).
Andre in MO,
Hello from CA. Okay let us follow your line.
We say US president and other US leaders have big brain. Ahmadi will say? "I do not have any brain; I do not need any because I have been without brain my entire life and doing just fine."
Wow! This was fun. Does anyone want to join the game?
Actually Ahmadinejad fits the bill of being the perfect Islamist. He is unable to do self critique, to except criticism, and thus always deflect. Simply put he thinks he is the best, his country is the best, and his way of life is the only answer to world's ills. Simply put he is a totalitarian dictator unable to see any truth but his own. One only needs to look at the company he keeps to validate this: Venezula, Zimbabwe, Cuba, North Korea, Hamas, Hezebollah, and least of all lets not forget his spiritual advisor, Prof Crocodile, who says "the people are like sheep" when discussing popular elections!!
On the subject of his quote all I have to say is "Ahmadinejad and love go togehter like a babies crib and rattlesnakes!!!"
You aren't going sarcastic, aren't you ;-)
Best from GER,
Mr. CA, following my line and knowing Ahmadinejad reaction he would say I have a much bigger brain. Hope you are satisfied with the answer.
Why are you calling everybody Mr.? In Gladstone, MO Megan is a Mr.?!!
Balloons are also big and are full of hot air so is Ahmadi’s big brain. Do you not agree?
Why do you claim you know Ahamadi so well? Did you know his real name was Majnoon Ahmaghinejad and Not Mahmood Ahmadinejad. He has spent time in Psychiatric wardl. Did you know that?
RE "Did you know his real name was Majnoon Ahmaghinejad and Not Mahmood Ahmadinejad. He has spent time in Psychiatric wardl."
Now I don't know anymore if you're joking or serious! :-). If it's serious - can you tell more ....... ?
Hi Catherine,
Re: post 6:58, April 30
I am assuming you do not know Farsi and the meaning of words “Majnoon” or “Ahmaghinejad”. Well, Majnoon means crazy and Ahmagh means stupid. Nejad means breed. Ahmaghinejad is not in Farsi vocabulary but by combining the two words “ahmaghi” and “nejad” is an insult suggesting the person in question comes from breed of stupid(s). The word Majnoon rhymes with Mahmood and Ahmaghi rhymes with Ahmadi.
I have to remember that we have non-Farsi speaking readers on this site and write the English translation for Farsi words. Had I done that you would have known if I was joking or not. I apologize for that.
With regard to Ahmadi in psychiatric ward; I heard that, in a TV interview, from a person who had been a big shot (so he claims) in Islamic Republic and knows Ahmadi from days Ahmadi was a low rank paper pusher in IRGC in small town in central Iran. I also have heard from other sources, in print and elsewhere, that Ahmadi has a very short fuse. I understand he blows up readily, often makes rash decisions, even after he chills out he does not reassess his decisions, and does not reverse himself under any circumstances.
In conclusion, while I cannot verify with certainty whether Ahmadi’s pathology constitutes any mental disease/defect that had required psychiatric evaluation/treatment in the past; I can say with high degree of certainly Ahmadi’s public speeches/behavior suggest serious behavioral disorders and anti-social tendencies.
"Majnoon means crazy and Ahmagh means stupid. Nejad means breed. " - Good one! :-)
I think your last paragraph holds true no matter if he's knowingly provoking a certain audience (domestic and international) by saying things with great conviction that he really doesn't believe, or if he's being serious.
Thank you for putting me on the right track. According to your description AN can be nothing else than a sociopath:
Here are some of his characteristics, fitting him perfectly.
# Glibness and Superficial Charm
# Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
# Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
# Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
# Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
The last should be a warning to all his devoted followers (I don't want to name any names here ;-)
Exactly. Thank you for painting him.