How Swine Flu Started: Nationalised Medicine, Poor People, Democrats

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Video: Who Brought Us Swine Flu? Illegal Alien Terrorist Mexicans
We are still interviewing for a Medical Correspondent at Enduring America, so we have to rely on other experts to explain this sudden phenomenon called Swine Flu.
Our findings: this crisis could have been averted if the world relied on private health systems and if the US had voted for John McCain in November 2008.
James Taranto in The Wall Street Journal nails the socialists for this wannabe-pandemic, suggesting that death rates in Mexico are higher in the US "because the government provides health care". Henry I. Miller, also in The Journal, goes for "unsanitary conditions, poverty and grossly inadequate public-health infrastructure of all kinds".
(Miller also cites "intensive animal husbandry procedures that place poultry and swine in close proximity to humans". He omits, however, this detail from the outbreak in Veracruz, Mexico, reported by The Daily Telegraph: "[Residents] claim they are suffering respiratory problems from contamination spread by pig waste at nearby breeding farms partly owned by a US company.)
Still, our preferred explanation for swine flu comes from Representative Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota, last heard warning that the Obama Administration was going to put children in "re-education" programmes:
Enduring America Minor Detail: Republican Gerald Ford, not Democrat Jimmy Carter, was US President in 1976
(hat tip to Father Michael for the Bachmann clip)
Video: Who Brought Us Swine Flu? Illegal Alien Terrorist Mexicans
We are still interviewing for a Medical Correspondent at Enduring America, so we have to rely on other experts to explain this sudden phenomenon called Swine Flu.
Our findings: this crisis could have been averted if the world relied on private health systems and if the US had voted for John McCain in November 2008.
James Taranto in The Wall Street Journal nails the socialists for this wannabe-pandemic, suggesting that death rates in Mexico are higher in the US "because the government provides health care". Henry I. Miller, also in The Journal, goes for "unsanitary conditions, poverty and grossly inadequate public-health infrastructure of all kinds".
(Miller also cites "intensive animal husbandry procedures that place poultry and swine in close proximity to humans". He omits, however, this detail from the outbreak in Veracruz, Mexico, reported by The Daily Telegraph: "[Residents] claim they are suffering respiratory problems from contamination spread by pig waste at nearby breeding farms partly owned by a US company.)
Still, our preferred explanation for swine flu comes from Representative Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota, last heard warning that the Obama Administration was going to put children in "re-education" programmes:
Enduring America Minor Detail: Republican Gerald Ford, not Democrat Jimmy Carter, was US President in 1976
(hat tip to Father Michael for the Bachmann clip)
Reader Comments (3)
The ZERO PATIENT with swine flu WAS IN CALIFORNIA ON MARCH 30th, where he had proper medical treatment, enough that the swab was sent to the CDC.
Michele Bachman is an illiterate idiot who embarrasses me as a woman and me as a Californian.
Lora, this post is intended as parody. If Scott actually agreed with Michelle Bachmann he probably wouldn't have pointed out at the bottom of the post that her entire argument- that the last swine flu outbreak also occurred under a Democratic president- was in fact completely wrong.
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