Are Americans Turning Socialist?

Breaking down the results offers more interesting findings. Firstly, there is a significant generational split in the polling, however. For those under 30, the results are almost even: 33 percent favour socialism vs. 37 percent for capitalism. In contrast, amongst those over 40, the margin is 40 to 13 percent in favour of capitalism.
Those Americans who grew up during the Cold War are more likely to maintain the perception of the ‘victorious’ free-market system despite recession, while the younger generation, many of whom have suffered in the recent global financial crisis, is not as happy with the idea of the capitalist system.
Secondly, by a 5 to 1 margin, investors preferred capitalism; for non-investors, the preference was only 40 to 25 percent. This also tells us that although investors have been hit badly by the recent recession, it is still the maximization of profit as the main stimulus behind their way of thinking.
Thirdly, Republicans favor capitalism by an 11 to 1 margin, but 39 percent of Democrats prefer capitalism and 30 percent side with socialism. While it would be easy to read this as an ideological division between the two groups, the better explanation is that each party is taking a political position in the face of a deep economic crisis. Republicans will frame themselves through a concern with the survival of American values whereas many Democrats are searching for a consensus on how to deal with recession and restore prosperity.
And thus the immediate paradox of "socialism", not as an economic system but as a rhetorical weapon. In the near future, the word is most likely to be used and manipulated --- rather than considered with any thought and depth --- by a Republican opposition party as ‘the attack on financial crisis’ inevitably will brings more State involvement with the "private" sector.
That same intervention, however, will bring together various approaches in the relatively broad-based Democratic Party. It is unlikely, of course, that "mainstream" Democratic leaders will use the word "socialism", even though some of those economic, financial, and social approaches will have to move away from a mythical "laissez faire" capitalism in which the State has no significant place.
Yet, even as this verbal shadow dance over "socialism" continues, could Americans begin to consider the idea of a socialist system seriously? It is striking that the latest Rasmussen results show a signficant shift from a poll in December in which 70 percent of respondents preferred capitalism and only 15 percent socialism. The extent to which the Obama Administration is perceived as ‘successful’ in halting the recession through a well-designed stimulus plan could re-shape beliefs.
Could American youth, two-thirds of whom do not embrace " capitalism", lead that change?
Reader Comments (5)
1. Rasmussen is a "push poll" where they deliberately ask twisted questions in order to alter your opinion. For instance, do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Michelle Obama's heroin habit? The goal is not to measure your opinion, its to influence it.
In the case of "socialism vs capitalism" this is an entirely media-created debate. No one in Washington is attempting to implement socialism in America, and this poll is simply designed to call up Americans and plant the idea that some marxist boogey man out there is trying to turn them all commie.
Josh, anyone worth their salt on the topic knows that Rasmussen is one of the most trusted polls there are. It may not be 100% perfect, but it's the most politically nuetral one out there at the moment...
And it has proven time and again to be pretty accurate in regards to elections.
Too many election cycles have proven Rasmussen to be fairly on target. One comment from you can't undo years of results.
Are American's becoming socialists? I don't believe so.
I do believe that a growing number of Americans have no idea what real socialism is. Browsing around - I've seen hundreds of definitions for it, few of them accurate.
"spreading the wealth around" is not socialism. That's simply screwed up taxation.
Socialism is when government takes ownership completely away from a business owner and then decides what everyone in the company should make.
And we are indeed headed that way.
When government officials - like Obama or his underlings - presume to fire a CEO and hire someone in it's place...... an act that has no basis in law..... you are well on your way to socialism.
When banks beg to give bailout money back - but the government tells them they cant.... That is socialism.
When the government begins deciding what executives in a company can make... that's socialism.
All of which have transpired in the past few months.
So the American people are going to have to decide if they are truly ready to become a slave to the state.... To be controlled, owned and rationed by the state.
How is that freedom?
Would you rather fail as a free person..... or just get by as an owned person.
That choice is here.
I'm a graduate student. As much as it kills me to say, we are one generation away from socialism. As soon as the people who I have been attending school with take the wheel, we will be a socialist country. The majority are unwavering socialists, and many do not even deny it, mince words about it, or show any shame that they are red as can be (green as can be). The only way to stop socialism at this point is for the nation as a whole to stop handing their children over to the government to be "educated".
Aaron, does it not occur to you that just maybe you are not acquainted with the actual people who will be running the country, some day?
And of course, dismantling a founding principle of the US republic, to wit, free and public education, is clearly the ONLY thing with any chance of 'saving' us from ourselves.
Aaron- I'd be interested to know what you (and perhaps lots of other Americans) fear will happen if America 'goes socialist'. I don't mean this as a jibe, its just that you'd clearly be very opposed to the prospect of socialism in America and I'd really like to hear your thoughts.
One reason I ask is that in lots of quality of life surveys so-called socialist places like the Scandinavian countries consistently come top- their citizens are some of the healthiest, well-educated, long-living and content in the world. In the UK some of the biggest public outcries in recent years have been at the government's removal of 'socialist' policies- privatisation of the National Health Service and the postal service for example. On the flip-side, there's a lot of discontent at the fact that most people can't get dental treatment paid for by the state and have to pay for it themselves directly (as opposed to it being paid for by taxes). I don't consider us to be a particularly socialist or left-wing country, but things like this are big issues and for all its faults you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who'd prefer an American-style healthcare system to the NHS.
Obviously there are some people who equate socialism with Soviet Union-style Communism (see the depictions of Obama as Stalin as evidence of that), but I don't think that's everyone, and I don't think that tells the whole story- so what are your concerns about socialism?