World Cup Special: The Ultimate Triumph of Paul the Octopus

I have been fortunate to follow the story of Paul the Octopus since the start of the World Cup when EA's German Bureau notified me of this wondrous eight-tentacled psychic and his ability to predict the outcome of football matches.
We continued to watch as Paul's fame grew and reached the mainstream media, but on Thursday --- the day after Spain defeated Germany 1-0 in the World Cup semifinal --- we were put on Special Alert by the German Bureau.
As Cassandra learned, a psychic's success becomes a curse when he/she brings bad news, and Paul (unwisely) had forecast the Spanish victory. So the cry had arisen: "Cut him up in thin slices and grill him on all sides with a dash of lemon juice, olive oil and garlic on it. Delicious!"
It is our great pleasure and relief, however, to bring you the reassurance this morning that Paul will not be on a dinner plate in the near-future. He (wisely) pointed to a German win in the 3rd-place match against Uruguay last night --- when Diego Forlan's last-minute shot hit the crossbar, both a 3-2 German victory and Paul's longevity were protected.
And the ever-vigilant German Bureau notes that there is a political pay-off in the latest developments. For Paul has not confined himself to sporting forecasts. This week he was placed before photographs of Iran's Supreme Leader on one side and opposition figure Mir Hossein Mousavi on the other. The outcome:

Reader Comments (14)
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World Cup Special: The Ultimate Triumph of Paul the Octopus...
UPDATE 0730 GMT: In case you’re wondering — and I know you are — Paul has picked Spain to defeat Holland in tonight’s final. I have been fortunate to follow the story of Paul the Octopus since the start of the World Cup when EA’s German Bureau notified...
Excellent job! He's also got a very clear "Don't mess with my prediction" attitude :-)
But what's the significance of the double tentacle outreach to the other side?
Catherine, Paul just may be into comfort, or he may be balancing, or he may truly understand how complicated and circuitous the Iran situation is, and finally, he himself is rather mysterious, is he not? But 'he does knows what he knows!' Any way at all, this a a terrific pic for sure.
RE UPDATE 0730 GMT: In case you’re wondering — and I know you are — Paul has picked Spain to defeat Holland in tonight’s final.
Don't worry Scott - all of those paying attention knew this last Friday afternoon! :-)
Btw, what a great article you posted. I love the epithets they've come up with for Paul: "seer sucker", “Oracle of Oberhausen,” "mollusk medium", and my favourite: "the buoyant clairvoyant"!
Note what Wikipedia has to say about the octopus: "Octopuses are highly intelligent, probably the most intelligent of all invertebrates".
Please, I was trying to forget the pain of Forlan's kiss of crossbar in the last second. I just did not want the game to end.
Off all the players in 2010 World Cup, it was Diego Forlan that I watched with admiration.
Is that blood on the Mousavi side? what is that for?
Megan, you scared me! Good question... but I found the answer. It's part of the background at a press conference. For another picture:" rel="nofollow">
[...] to that really talented octopus and we now know for sure that last year’s Iranian election was in fact [...]
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¡Viva el Pulpo Profético!