Video Alert: Obama Does Not Bow to Saudi King

Related Post: Obama ‘Bowing Down’ to Saudi King? But Conservapedia Fails To Deliver
In a dramatic non-move that will disappoint devoted readers of Conservapedia and the Weekly Standard, the still-not-Muslim President did not kneel down before the very-Muslim King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. He did say, however, that he was "struck by [Abdullah's] wisdom and his graciousness." Obama, whose middle name is still Hussein, added, "Obviously the United States and Saudi Arabia have a long history of friendship. We have a strategic relationship."
Reader Comments (1)
Wisdom? Lesson learned -- strategic relationship/friendship > human rights. And to think of the way minority peoples are treated in the Arab-Muslim world. I'm not naive; I know America's strategic interests/concerns running in tandem with a very pragmatic foreign policy approach puts human rights issues on the back burner. Such an outcome is inevitable. But that statement coming from a black US president? The honeymoon is definitely over.
I'm afraid any US/Western attempt to bridge understandings with the Muslim world is fruitless and self-defeating.
Dave the Pessimist