Mr Obama's War: Today Proves Pakistan is Number One

Related Post: Two-Step Analysis of Mr Obama’s War Plan: Step Two in Afghanistan
Related Post: Two-Step Analysis of Mr Obama’s War Plan: Step One in Pakistan
The Obama Administration's long-awaited plan to solve/save Afghanistan and Pakistan is revealed today, but officials have now leaked two headline plans.
First, they have trumpeted the despatch of 4000 troops, along with civilian specialists, to train and assist Afghan police and security forces. This is more token than significant: it is a sop to the military, which got "only" 20,000+ of the 30,000 additional troops it wanted for this year, and it props up the Administration's spin that it is going to make the Afghans self-sufficient in providing their security.
Second, "the president...will call on Congress to pass a bill that triples U.S. aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion a year over five years". The aid is not new: after 9-11, Pakistan has received up to $1 billion a year for being a "good" ally in the War on Terror.
The symbolism, however, is very new, far from token, and far from insignificant. Pakistan is going "bad", so this is aid not to reward it but to rescue it. Specifically, it is the payment to the Pakistani Government as the US tries to take out the "safe havens" in the northwest of the country.
Pakistan, not Afghanistan, is now the immediate American priority. The economic aid will be accompanied by more airstrikes and Wild West-style rewards for turning in bad guys like Baitullah Mehsud.
Only one tiny problem: there is no sign --- none --- of Washington strategy for the fundamental problem in Pakistan: how is the country's political stability to be assured?
More through the day....
Related Post: Two-Step Analysis of Mr Obama’s War Plan: Step One in Pakistan

First, they have trumpeted the despatch of 4000 troops, along with civilian specialists, to train and assist Afghan police and security forces. This is more token than significant: it is a sop to the military, which got "only" 20,000+ of the 30,000 additional troops it wanted for this year, and it props up the Administration's spin that it is going to make the Afghans self-sufficient in providing their security.
Second, "the president...will call on Congress to pass a bill that triples U.S. aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion a year over five years". The aid is not new: after 9-11, Pakistan has received up to $1 billion a year for being a "good" ally in the War on Terror.
The symbolism, however, is very new, far from token, and far from insignificant. Pakistan is going "bad", so this is aid not to reward it but to rescue it. Specifically, it is the payment to the Pakistani Government as the US tries to take out the "safe havens" in the northwest of the country.
Pakistan, not Afghanistan, is now the immediate American priority. The economic aid will be accompanied by more airstrikes and Wild West-style rewards for turning in bad guys like Baitullah Mehsud.
Only one tiny problem: there is no sign --- none --- of Washington strategy for the fundamental problem in Pakistan: how is the country's political stability to be assured?
More through the day....
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