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Instant Reaction: Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

LATEST Obama's Nobel Prize: There's Concerned...And Then There's Stupid
Video/Transcript: Obama’s Reaction to the Nobel Peace Prize

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UPDATE 1245 GMT: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Israeli President Shimon Peres, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai have all offered congratulations. The Taliban, however, are ruining the party: "We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan"

UPDATE 1135 GMT: Another reader jumps in, "I'm positive. He has given us hope, gives it still."

UPDATE 1035 GMT: An EA contributor is in the midst of a heated discussion on Facebook. Most of the reaction is far from thrilled: "are you serious?", "farcical", "very ridiculous". This, from our contributor, is the sharpest point: "The Nobel prize has a very good rationale if it is awarded to people who are persecuted because of their activities, such as Shirin Ebadi, Chinese dissidents, Ms. Maguire, etc. It makes no sense whatsoever to assign it to some who is well-fed, well-protected, in favour of troop rises in Afghanistan, and who wins it for 1 speech in Cairo and another one in the UN containing vague promises on nuclear disarmament, becoming buddies with the Islamic world, and other assorted dreams. It's actually almost pathetic..."

EA Staffer #1: Wonder what folks in Afghanistan think?

A Reader: How can Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize hours before the US is supposed to bomb the Moon?!

EA Staffer #2: Great to hear Obama brought peace to Afghanistan/Israel-Palestine/North Korea/Iran/the world so quickly. May as well retire now.

EA Staffer #3: I wouldn't go as far as Tom Lehrer's reaction when Henry Kissinger won the Prize --- one of the best satirists/songwriters of our time or anytime quit performing, "It was at that moment that satire died. There was nothing more to say after that." --- but still....

A Reader: Bonus Side Effect --- Glenn Beck is going to explode....

Best Reader's Prediction: Kanye West is going to disrupt Obama's Nobel ceremony - will say it should have gone to Beyonce.

Reader Comments (42)

It does not surprise me a bit, as a matter of fact, my husband and I were joking that they would give it to Obama, and we about gasped for air when we heard that they did. Nothing makes sense in the US since he took office, so just think up the most outrageous thing you can think of, and watch it come to reality with him in the lead role. I am numb to the workings of the government now, because everyday it's a new joke, with Obama on the "All Obama, all the time Channel".

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTimmie Little

Now this is really hilarious. I do not know whether we should laugh or cry. I never thought Nobel Peace Prize was that un-Nobel. We now know how deep George Soros influence go.

Shame on Nobel Peace Prize committee for their shallow measure of worthiness. Shame on them for bestowing this honor on any person for their words and not their deeds. Shame on them for dishonoring some former recipients by giving this honor to Obama who stumbled for a week to utter the right set of words to condemn the killing in Iran as it unfolded before our eyes following a questionable election results. If utterance of empty words or convoluted vision of world peace is worthy of Nobel Peace Prize then the award should go to Mr. Obama’s speech writers.

The carrot argument does not make any sense. If the objective was to persuade Obama to follow the right path for the world peace, why not awarding Ahmadi Nejad? Sounds absurd? Because It is absurd.

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

Dear ange paris,

Do not let anybody give you false hope that we in the U.S. can make Obama and his crowd to do anything whatsoever. I think statement such as “It’s up to us in America to press him toward earning it– to grow into those shoes” is utterly absurd.

1.5 to 2 million people descended on Washington D.C. last September and protested against the policy of borrow, tax, and spend. This administration ignored, dismissed and belittled ordinary, law-abiding, tax -paying, hard-working Americans who have come, some from as far as California. We will not be able to push this administration and our current Congress to do anything. Ignoring us, the people, is now a sport in D.C.

If there are enough Americans who have snapped out of their delusions in 2010, we may be able to get some of the deaf law-makers out of Congress. And if there are enough sane people left in the U.S. in 2012, we may be able to overcome Oprah Winfrey factor. Even then I am not sure how we will be able to stop the assault on US Constitution that started a century ago.

In a way we have become like Iran; a mullah goes a mullah comes except our mullahs do not ware turbans instead they have a D or R next to their names. I personally like the notion of putting a yellow ribbon around Washington, D.C. and call the whole place a crime scene.

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

this should be a proud moment for all Americans. Our President is the Nobel Peace PRIZE WINNER. If you are A true American this is a time to celebrate and congratulate our / your President. If we call ourselves Americans, why can't we be proud of this award for our American President ? Lay aside your personal feelings and accept what this moment in time really means for all of us who are American.

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrobin harris

Megan said

1.5 to 2 million people descended on Washington D.C. last September and protested against the policy of borrow, tax, and spend.

I'm not going to debate the point but will correct the error. According to nonpartisan" rel="nofollow">the crowd size was in the tens of thousands, around 60,000-75,000. As is shown, even FOX "News" agreed.

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Shellshocked. Still recovering from this announcement. I guess I'd say this. I'm a big fan of Obama. I voted for Obama. I 'm a huge apologist for his foreign policies, which I think are often right on the mark. I think his contemplative and multilateral style is exactly what we (and the world) needs right now. I loved the Cairo speech.

But, er, uh, am I missing something? Has he actually done anything yet?

Here is an analogy to how I feel: I'm a parent. I have a son that has always wanted to play professional basketball. I really believe in my son, and I think he'll be a super professional basketball player, and he has all the skills to be one of the best ever. I support him through high school, through college, and finally he makes it to professional basketball. Then, after he plays his very first game, it is announced that he will be inducted to the Hall of Fame! (?!?)

It's not that I dont have faith that he'll amount to something great .. its that he hasn't done it yet ..

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevinScottDC

Have to say the Peace Prize Comittee have gone even further out on a [political] limb. Many Norwegians scratch (and shake) their heads now.

If Obama was a Chef & Nobel Peace Prize was the Bocuse d'Or, then he won the competition with a menu but no food.

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBaffledNorwegian

President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

By KARL RITTER and MATT MOORE, Associated Press Writers Karl Ritter And Matt Moore, Associated Press Writers - Friday October 09 2009
Source: Yahoo News

Obama looks so happy especially with all the good press hes getting while keeping two w...

Nobel in his will said that the prize should go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." By this standard, Obama is most certainly a deserving winner for reasons cited by the committee, including his efforts to reach out to the so-called Muslim world and his stated desire and his admin's proposals for the reduction of nuclear weapons. In that sense, he is more representative of the original spirit of the award than several previous winners. So it is his win for him, for American prestige and for Obama haters. In other words, this was a great choice all round.

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCanuckistan

"...for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

How can this be when President Obama has increased the troops in Afghanistan (with the possibility of still further increases) and even expanded attacks into Pakistan (albeit it not "officially")?

Further, he may have given [very weak, imo] lip service to the Green Movement a few times when pressed about it, but you can hardly say that he's supported them (in fact, there has been at least one recent newspaper article that funding has been cut for an Iranian human rights group- bad timing).

I agree that this was premature. Indications are that this could turn out to be a terrible irony. Talk is cheap and actions speak *much* louder than words.

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterQunamngdogs

Megan, even your own Daily Mail link reports "tens of thousands", right under the picture, making other claims in the story rather iffy. The event's sponsor," rel="nofollow">FOX? Tens of thousands. I've yet to see a reputable news organization report a higher count. It's not a left-wing plot to deflate the numbers. Your other 2 sources are not news organizations. There may be ways to validate your augment, but the crowd size in DC on Sept 12 isn't going to do it. There's no point in continuing this discussion. I won't be checking back

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Amy, please take the time and read through the analysis of crowd estimate in D.C, offered by the first link in my previous post. Hopefully that helps. On the topic of reputable News Media, sad to say we do not have any. Furthermore, I do not care to win or to lose any point in any discussion. Truth speaks for itself and facts are facts no matter how we spin it.

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

With the state of the Nation we really needed to award a Nobel Peace Prize to a man that Has so Far done absolutely nothing to deserve it,,,,,,,way to go ! Who did that and Why ?? Mother theresa received a Nobel Peace Prize for her tireless works of humanity and feeding and nursing the poor everyday how in anyones right mind did anyone think of presenting this to OBAMA? for a lot of Great ideas and foot in the right direction ?The road to hell was paved with good intentions TOO!EH really is this a joke or what ? Either s*** or get off the Pot !!!!Send me A Million Dollars and after i get it i might work for it !!!!END THE WAR OBAMA BY SENDING 40 to 100000 troops and lets get a grip on the situation and then TTNOW not in 2 weeks or a month the wars gone on long enough send the troops and put an end to it ........Our Troops THE country you Represent as President are calling for your HELP AND YOU ACCEPT A PRESTIGIOUS PRIZE YOU COULD AT LEAST EARN IT NOW!

October 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkathy

When There is Peace in this Country and Nation Then we will begin to prosper and GROW as God Intended us to until then the state of the nation is reaping what we sow ............if we need to send 100,000 troops to afghanistan and get control of the situation so be it But end the madness and quit dragging it out ...............Pray For World Peace .............Nobel Peace Prise hm prestigious award given out randomly now!!!!

October 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkathy

Another theory on why Obama won...

October 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChrisE

obma should decline the noble prize for peace.if in upcoming years he solves some international problems through peace e.g ind-pak then he should accept

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjaganmaya

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