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Entries in Barack Obama (58)


Obama is Not Muslim/Hitler Shock. He's Stalin. (And Mao.)

It is a pleasure to report that the "Obama is Hitler" debate has now moved on:


Obama is Hitler (Part 23)

Latest Post: Obama is Not Muslim/Hitler Shock! He's Stalin. (And Mao.)
Related Post: Barack Obama is Hitler (This Time They’re Serious)
Related Post: Barack Obama is Not Muslim. He’s the Anti-Christ. Or Maybe Hitler.

Well, it appears that the misleading story of Barack Obama as a secret Muslim has been put to rest. Evidence continues to emerge that he is in fact the Politics 2.0 version of failed painter turned Führer Adolf Hitler.

The latest, sent to us by a concerned reader, comes out of the Rome News Tribune in the southern state of Georgia:


UPDATE: Barack Obama is Hitler (This Time They're Serious)

hitler-obamaLess than 24 hours after we had a bit of fun with Conservapedia and other talking heads who were convinced that the 44th President of the USA was 1) Mullah Barack 2) the Antichrist 3) the leader of the Third Reich, this comes in from a Mr Kevin McCullough at, the sanctuary of level-headed political observers like Ann Coulter:

Obama as Hitler

This week President Obama exercised for the first time a policy decision that shares a trait held in common with Adolf Hitler....

President Obama is moving policy on public health into the direction of doctors being forced to act against their conscience....
President Obama wants them performing abortions, whether they believe it to be an immoral thing or not. And while the comparisons to Hitler are made either on eugenist or racist grounds--but you cannot escape the impact.

In the 1930's and 40's as Hitler wished to use his captive “lesser-humans” for "experiments" in his final solution. He too forced doctors to do things they did not wish to do. Everything from injecting living humans with horrible chemicals to see the effect, to trying differing grades of poisonous gases in what eventually became death chambers. These doctors, who were purveyors of those things that helped save lives, were suddenly forced to use the medical knowledge they had of death--to end them.

In today’s scenario Obama wants doctors to exterminate “lesser humans” for the purpose of immediate solutions to his social experiment. And he wishes them to do so regardless of whether or not they are compelled by the higher call of morality on an individual basis.

Put another way Obama's policy shift would be the equivalent of forcing those who believed slavery to be immoral and never even owned slaves, to begin purchasing them, beating them, raping them, and exploiting them.

Next Week: Barack Obama is Josef Stalin.
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