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Iran Analysis: "Supreme Leader Warns Rafsanjani" --- The Sequels

A valued EA source takes us through the follow-up to the Supreme Leader's Tuesday speech, which we read initially as a warning to Hashemi Rafansanjani and then as a possible warning to other conservative/principlist critics of the Ahmadinejad Government:

1. Ali Larijani backs up Ayatollah Khamenei, but does he also strike at Government "extremists"?:
I know that the Supreme Leader does not like that a group of people under the title of defending the Supreme Leader oppress the people and become hardliners....We can not run the country by socialist economy and the economy (economy activities) should be handed over to people.

Iran Analysis: The Supreme Leader Warns Rafsanjani
The Latest from Iran: If Khamenei’s Other Shoe Drops (20 January)

2. Hojatoleslam Ruhollah Hosseinian, a fervent Ahmadinejad suppporter in Parliament, has gone for an all-out attack: he strikes at Hashemi Rafsanjani, Green movement leaders, the reformist Association of Combatant Clergy, and even Ali Larijani:

This person (Rafsanjani) in the government and one of the officials because of the mercy of the leadership, Today he is the lawyer of the reformists and defends them.

We wish that Mr. Hashemi stays loyal to the leader and the revolution, but unfortunately we have to say that he --- in the recent months ---- has been managing the opposition wave. For how long, do you want to speak ambiguously and call the rioters of Ashura "people"?

Majma’ Rohannioon Mobarez (the Association of Combatant Clergys) also issued a statement in support of the opposition protests. I had told one of the members of Association of Combatant Clergy that if I was a judge, I would consider this statement as being "war against God" (mohareb)....

One of the reason why I wanted to resign (as a member of Parliament) is the behaviour and approach of the Parlimant Speaker (Ali Larijani) because we wanted the dismissal of Mr. Mohtashamipour (head of the Palestine Defence Committee), however Mr. Larijani did not pay attention.

3. Hojatoleslam Ibrahimi, of the central council of the Association of Combatant Clergy Association and a member of Parlaiment, offers conciliation. He believes that the deep friendship between the supreme leader and Hashemi Rafsanjani cannot be denied and criticises those  who are trying to cause division between them.

4. Alef Newspaper seems to echo Larijani, strongly criticising those who act inappropriately with the excuse of defending the Supreme Leader. It links an "extremism" which tried to assassinate reformist politician Saeed Hajjarian and attacked dormitories on the Tehran University with the crimes of Kahrizak Prison.

As the 40th Day memorial of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri approaches, Alef reminds readers that, even though the Supreme Leader issued a statement upon the demise of Montazeri, some extremists attacked Ayatollah house and broke the windows. Those extremists also treat other Revolution figures (e.g. Rafsanjani) the same way.

Reader Comments (59)

@ DC. No problem. We are all Iranians and that is my attitude, even though we disagree on some issues. I am tired of people picking on Iran for everything. We may not be perfect, but we are an ancient civilization that has contributed tremendously to civilization. Like all nations we have gone through ups and downs and we live in a tough neighborhood. Take care and always stand up for Iran.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarpe Diem

Plastic Berttand,

I asked you in the other thread if you were Iranians. No need to answer. I now know who you are. You are a hatemonger with a lot of rage. Who has done you wrong?? Did you not get paid by Iran Regime for what you did in streets of Iran?? Well, that should teach you a lesson....

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan


He sure is not this Plastic Bertrand


January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarry


I'm still trying to figure out if that's a good thing or a bad thing:

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDC

HEY!!! I just realized!!! I used to like that song in the 70's. Still do.


January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarry


Thank you very much for your analyses, especially in #2 and #8.
As to your comments on the Sepah reactions in the latter, there are already some signs of discontent, e.g. the open critique of former IRGC commander Rahim Safavi in Isfahan last week. In addition all the reshuffles in the Sepah and judiciary during the past months must have stirred the anger of many influential groups and factions within the system, which is in no way unified, but always lived on a delicate balance of powers, progressively undermined by AN and the SL.
And then, what does it say to you, when Khamenei gives orders to the press to denominate him as an "Imam"? Or when he is depicted as receiving his orders from the Mahdi? I am no expert, but both must arouse the anger of conservative clerics, who certainly note the rapid dissolution of religious values and esteem.
Attacking the Jamaran mosque on Tassua is another example of unforgivable aggression, violating this holy day and Khomeini's mosque. The same goes for all the insults and raids against moderate clerics, such as ayatollah Sane'i or Dastgheib, which prove that even renowned peers are not spared.
The SL and AN are suffering from a heavy loss of reality, unfortunately it is the Iranian people, which has to pay the price for them.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterArshama

[...] Here is the original: Iran Analysis: “Supreme Leader Warns Rafsanjani” — The Sequels … [...]

23. Carpe Diem-You are far from any expert on Arab affairs-so if you do not know-then do not act is if you do like a hysterical Drama Queen.

1. The Arab Air force is not composed only of the U.A.E'S-THAT IS NO BAROMETER-and so what if this particular staTte employs Pakistaniis-in fact they employ ARAB PILOTS. You are totally wrong there.

2. There are no "abused" arabs in the U.A.E ! What are you talking about ! You know nothing but hang on to folklore. There are many successful entrepreneurs, lawyers,Bankers, heads of Advertsing Agencies that ARE from Egypt, Mashreq, and North Africa in the U.A.E-none of them are abused. 3.You are right the figure of the arab world is 300 million plus but I noted this earlier by saying that Arabs are 3 -1 more numerous than Persians. So apart from your basic numerate calculation you clearly know nothing about the Arab reality and world. Does not surprise me. So quit calling me names and only focusing your warped notions on only THE U.A.E !.

3. The Arab coastline D.C strettches as far as the Persian on the Arabian Gulf.

4. Comment 27.Megan-Yes,I am enraged by Persian activity in Iraq-they meddle and create havoc like cockroaches. Your regime can barely afford to pay for Hizbullah so no, I did not get paid to go on your streets-have no interest in them anyway.

I will leave my final comment on this thread to "Carpe Diem" as you contiually try to personalise this by throwing cheap shots at me-do not bother as you yourself need to enrol on a basic Introduction to the Middle East 101 class as you may know a lot about Persians but it appears nothing about the Arabs. And DC I have no Nazi -like feelings so do away with your insults.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPlastic Bertrand

It is so promising to see that It sufficed to have a Saddam nostalgic racist
with an inferiority complex among us ,
for Megan and Carpe Diem to be on the same side ; )
So all hopes of unity are not lost .

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeace Maker

Peace Maker-SADDAM is and remains a great fallen soldier for many Arabs. So do not use his memory as an attempt to belittle him. "INFERIORITY COMPLEX AMONG US"-My Comment-LOL- what exactly is there a complex about ??? Look at Persia today and look at the Arab World today-not 50 years, 10 years ago or 2,500 years ago. Those are tired analogies. Where are you now ? Who cares-believe me if you stopped trouble making then no one would bother with you.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPlastic Bertrand

Peace Maker,

Plastic Bertrand is Khamenei’s agent! His mission was to test Rev. Magdalen foreign war theory and report back his findings!!!!

Well, here is my message to Supreme Loony and his agent Plastic Bertrand, the Cyber Taliban:

Persians are proud of their heritage and their history and will not sit quite in the face of insults by a hatemongering loser like Plastic Bertrand. But Khamenei is senile if he believes Greens will unite with his Basiji and IRG dogs. And he is loonier than ever if he thinks Iranians will stand with him anymore war or not. He and Islamic Rubbish Republic are like a ticking bomb. The countdown started the day he ordered to rig 2009 election. No sane person will stand next to a ticking bomb.

Peace Maker, I will never be on the same side with people (not even if they are my family members) who support and defend this rotten criminal IR regime that has terrorized and brutalized Iranians for 31 years; a regime whose foot soldiers and actors are no different that Mr. Taliban, Plastic Bertrand.

I am wondering if Samuel, Observer, M.S., Reality Check aka Fantasy Check aka Carpe Dime (who changes name more often than Khamenei changes his underwear), and few others on this blog are not all one person who uses multiple PCs in different locations to give the impression that they are many. And frankly I do not give hill of beans if they are one or one million. Their time in the sun has passed. Their talking points are repetitive and nauseating. These Cyber Basiji are on IR payroll to wage a propaganda war. They think their rubbish will weaken our resolve. They can dream on. Some of these Cyber Basiji could very well be offspring or relatives of mullahs who stand to lose much too much and are fighting to keep the stolen money in the family.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

megan-I AM NO AGENT OF ANY PERSIAN ! Surely you have enough intelligence to have read through what I am saying ?-I do not like Persians for all the mischief they have caused since the 1970 's . Please fight amongst yourselves for whatever you want for your country-good luck- just keep away from Iraq and the Arabian gulf-once and for all

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPlastic Bertrand

plastic man,

khamenei is descended from azeri turks in the paternal line so i'm not sure how far he qualifies as 'persian'.

why do you use the ethnic term 'persian' when you mean iranian? 'persian' would be more appropriate for 14th century poets, carpets and cats.

i think you're on the wrong site for the level of debate you seem to be after - may i politely suggest you try youtube instead.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermukharbish

Plastic Bertrand,

We did not start a conversation with you. You did. Other readers told you on EA blog and threads related to Iran, Iranians and non-Iranians who care about struggle of Iranians for democracy discuss and debate daily events in Iran. You injected yourself into our conversation and from your very first post you started insulating us. I will not sit quite and will return the favor. Please stop looking for a fight in the Cyber space or you will get one.

You do not see Iranians on other threads in this blog that are related to other topics in Middle East including Arab in Palestine injecting themselves for the purpose of insulting Arabs or Turks or any other nation. That should tell a lot about who is and who is not civil and civilized.

Please stop making a fool of yourself. Iranians these days have enough fools in their own country to deal with. They do not need to deal with your rage and your hate. Go and see a doctor dude. We cannot help you.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan


Well said. I think if we just ignore him completely (aka if he comments here, pretend the comment isn't there). Bullies usually give up when they're ignored.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDC

Megan-I started the conversation as one of the early threads-Rev.Magdelen /-suggested that the Persian leadership tshould find a way of attacking a neighbouring Arab country to unite the ation and regime. This and the suggestion that it could be the KIngdom was the final straw after the Persian attempt at seizing Iraqi Oil 3 weeks ago-so you cnanappreciate maybe why I have been adding my comments since.

You ended the thread on a sour note with your petty insult-so I will not even bother answering-just to say if you are Persian...well ,good luck !

To mukarbish-yes your leader is Azeri Persian -50% of his blood is 100 % Persian-Persian are the people of todays Iran that is why i use it. You are known as Persian-only Pahlavi sought to change your name but you are what you are. Maybe you too should go on youtube-oh, i forgot you are already there clogging it with your views etc.

Finally DC I AM NOT A BULLY-I was a casual observer until one of the contributors suggested that your government (if you are Persian) may look to start a fight with the neighbouring Arab countries-so I am defending the consistent nusiance that is iran and the Persians since Pahlavi till now.

Good luck and the dreamers on these threads that wnat to create a new Iran etc. i wish you well but you may all need to see a doctor as the reality in your country may not be what some of think it is..

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPlastic Bertrand

So funny, but poor Plastic Bertrand is not KH's agent ; He belongs to an arabic country and he's afraid of iranian attack in the middle est; I have said to him that he's our friend and he has to pray for us and our Victory to get rid of our dangerous leaders!

Plastic Bertrand
They are so nasty, you coudn't imagine ; goodbye friend and good luck!

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterange paris

Plastic Bertrand

I fear that you have misread an earlier post - and have misunderstood it's intent.

You said:"I started the conversation as one of the early threads-Rev.Magdelen /-suggested that the Persian leadership tshould find a way "

You have used the word "should" in this sentence. The intent of the original post was that Khamenei MAY POSSIBLY or COULD start some kind of external event (perhaps a war) to try to solve his internal problems. Nobody here, whether they are Iranian or others , have suggested that Khamenei SHOULD start a war with an adjacent Aran country, and nobody here would support such a thing.

Most of us are here primarily to try to analyse and understand just what is going on inside Iran and to attempt to support the Reformist movement in Iran. Part of that analysis involves not only discussion of what is happening - but also discussion of what MAY happen.

There is a regime supporter who comes here and states that the reformist movement is inherently racist (ie anti-Arab). I don't know why he says that, but I am sure that I can assure you that the people here are not inclined that way. If anything , it is the Iranian Regime that is both racist and imperialistic - as they wish to impose their Shiite "Iranian Revolution" upon the rest of the world. That matter is actually enshrined in the Constitution of Iran.

So please - get down from your high horse - feel welcomed here - and join us in our endeavors. You will find that we have common interests - Arabs, Iranians and Westerners.


January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarry

I personally believe that the only common interests Americans should have is to save their own imploding nation abd rapidly declining economy. China is growing by 11% a year and you folks will be left with nothing but trinkets in Walmart. Spending so much money on lost wars and trying to have this delusional obsession with playing a global "cop" is far more dangerous and suicidal than trying to orchestrate a "regime change" in Iran. It is a mission IMPOSSIBLE. Global and Iranian political dynamics are simply not there for any "regime change" fantasy in the near future. BTW, I am an academic and totally objective, so don't go around labelling any rational person as Baseeji or Hezbollahi. It is very juvenile effort and shows a basic disrespect for diversity of views. Propaganda is one thing and reality is another.

A very objective recent book on Iran by Dr. Ray Takeyh GUARDIANS OF THE REVOLUTION comes to the same logical conclusion: Iran is too big to destabilize, the only option is a diplomatic one. I believe that even that is too late as the US is now too weak, economically bankrupt and militarily overstretched and sliding into a geo-strategic abyss to have a real Iran policy. With the ascendant Chinese DRAGON breathing down the US, I believe this idiotic obsession with Iran should be the last priority.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarpe Diem

Carpe Diem

The US Fifth Fleet - is currently in your neighborhood, looking for work. Operating 24 hours each day, 7 days per week - they will take on any task that they are given.

Try them - you will surely enjoy a free display of their resources. .


January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarry

@ Barry. You obviously have not been to the Persian Gulf. It is closed and shallow body of water with strong summer thermals in the summer making life unbearable Putting large carriers in such narrow confines is sheer lunacy. They will be sitting ducks for the SUNBURNS, C-802 and thousands of other missiles in Iranian inventory, even artillery with base bleed ammo can wreak havoc in such a small body of water, dominated by Iran.. Bahrain itself is the most unstable place in the whole region with a huge Shia population and their resistance to the oppressive rule of the Al-Khalifah puppets. just a few months ago a Shia Bahraini pilot along with his spanking new F-16 defected to Iran. Did yo know that historically Bahrain was part of Iran.

I would not put too much faith in the 5th fleet in the era of supersonic SSM's, asymmetrical warfare and Iranian military dominance of the region. Military affairs and tactics are something I know a thing or two about.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarpe Diem

Carpe Diem

"Putting large carriers in such narrow confines is sheer lunacy."

Of course- you don't think that the American Admiral would be that stupid?. The Fleet is a deep water fleet - they do not ever need to enter the Gulf to do their work.


January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarry

Carpe Diem,

So is Marandi and he is still a Basiji.

Academics? I feel sorry for the students you are indoctrinating. Which learning institution has the audacity to keep you on the payroll? Taliban University?

With all the hate you harbor for Americans and the U.S., I can guess the future of your students; Dr. Hassan who took an oath to protect lives but instead murdered people, or the Nigerian bomber with explosives on his genital.

The world will be better off without academics like you.

I do not care to have a conversation with you. You are not worth my time.

January 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan


Thanks, I plan to do exactly that.

January 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan


Glad, I made you smile. There is more decency and humanity in your little finger than there is in truck loads of Plastic B. There is enough courage, compassion and love in you to cover up acres of hate emanating from likes of Carp Dimwit who claims to be an academician and objective. What a joke?

January 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

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