Bahrain Feature: The 20 Doctors' Reply to Their Prison Sentences
As the Bahraini regime continues to insist, two days after 20 doctors were given 5 to 15-year prison sentences by a military court, "This has nothing to do with treating the protesters. [The doctors were] collaborating with the hard liners... to overthrow the regime. This is an attempted coup d'etat," we post the statement put out by the defendants:
During the times of unrest in Bahrain, we honored our medical oath to treat the wounded and save lives. And as a result, we are being rewarded with unjust and harsh sentences.
Thirteen Bahraini medics out of 20 received a sentence of 15 years in prison.
The charges that we have being accused of are absolutely ludicrous. We are highly professional and experienced medics and specialists, and we categorically deny all charges against us.
This is the first time in the history of medicine that the medical profession has been attacked on such a large scale by any government.