Bahrain Feature: A Call from Hunger Striker Abdulhadi Alkhawaja to His Family
Saturday, April 7, 2012 at 19:53
Scott Lucas in Abdulhadi Alkhawaja, EA Middle East and Turkey, Middle East and Iran, Zainab Alkhawaja

This evening Bahraini human rights activist Abdulhadi Alkhawaja, imprisoned for life and on Day 59 of a hunger strike, was finally allowed to phone his family. His daughter Zainab sent a series of Twitter messages this evening about the conversation:

URGENT: My father just called, he can hardly speak, and he can hardly breath #Bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

He took very long pauses between every word, as he told my mother abt the mistreatment #Bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

My father said that when they treated him badly he said to hospital staff "I will not accept this" #Bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

"I lived free & proud outside ur prison & I live free & proud inside" my father said to guards & staff #Bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

My mother told my dad that we all support him, that we're proud. We r with him all the way, no matter what he decides#bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

my mum said goodbye "I hope we see u soon, and if not.. dont worry about us, we will meet you in the hereafter" #Bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

before hanging up my father said "thats exactly what I wanted to hear" #Bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

My dad said he will not stop his hungerstrike & told guards "if I die, I die with dignity" #bahrain

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

If my father dies, he will die with dignity... it is the world that will live in shame. I love u dad

— angry arabiya (@angryarabiya) April 7, 2012

Article originally appeared on EA WorldView (
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