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Entries in Global (8)


President Obama's Hanukkah Message

barack-obama-for-presidentPresident Barack Obama celebrated the Jewish holiday Hanukkah on Friday:
Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all who are celebrating Hanukkah around the world. The Hanukkah story of the Maccabees and the miracles they witnessed reminds us that faith and perseverance are powerful forces that can sustain us in difficult times and help us overcome even the greatest odds.

Hanukkah is not only a time to celebrate the faith and customs of the Jewish people, but for people of all faiths to celebrate the common aspirations we share. As families, friends and neighbors gather together to kindle the lights, may Hanukkah's lessons inspire us all to give thanks for the blessings we enjoy, to find light in times of darkness, and to work together for a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow.

The Minaret Ban: Turkish and Swiss Foreign Ministers Discuss Further Steps

SwissFlagTurkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Swiss counterpart Micheline Calmy-Rey, attending the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meeting in Athens, discussed the situation followed Switzerland's ban on minarets.

Davutoglu told Calmy-Rey that the ban could spark a furour similar to that following the 2006 publication in Denmark of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad. He said: “Unless timely measures are taken, the issue could snowball instantly and turn into a global crisis.”

Davutoglu said later that Calmy-Rey was aware of how important the situation was and conveyed her word that she would be taking measures to address the situation. Both leaders talked about the possibility of reversing the ban through the collection of 100,000 signatures for a second referendum.

After the Minaret Ban: $50 Billion to Leave Swiss Banks?
After Swiss Referendum on Minarets: Who is Radicalizing Whom?

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Christophe Darbellay, president of the Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland, called for a ban on separate Muslim and Jewish cemeteries. According to the Swiss online daily Tagesanzeiger, Darbellay also wants to ban the wearing of burkas, head-to-toe veils worn by some fundamentalist Muslim women.


After the Minaret Ban: $50 Billion to Leave Swiss Banks?

stacks-of-moneyFollowing Switzerland's ban on the construction of minarets, speculation has arisen over the future of money kept wealthy Muslims in Swiss banks. Turkey's Minister of State Egenem Bagis has called on Muslims to transfer their money to his country.

After Swiss Referendum on Minarets: Who is Radicalizing Whom?

It is estimated that there is approximately $50 billion dollars held in Switzerland by states with a majority Muslim population. The top 12:

- Saudi Arabia: $13.5 billion
- United Arab Emirates: $6.9 billion
- Indonesia: $6.6 billion
- Turkey: $3.9 billion
- Lebanon: $3.5 billion
- Malaysia: $3.3 billion
- Kuwait: $2.3 billion
- Syria: $1.5 billion
- Jordan: $1.5 billion
- Iran: $1.1 billion
- Morocco: $1 billion
- Pakistan: $1 billion
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