Breaking News: Iraqi Judge Says Muntazar Al-Zaidi Beaten

Dhia al-Kinani, the investigating judge in the case, which is determining whether the man will stand trial, said that Muntadhar al-Zeidi had bruises on his face and around his eyes.
Dhia al-Kinani, the investigating judge in the case, which is determining whether the man will stand trial, said that Muntadhar al-Zeidi had bruises on his face and around his eyes.
Everybody gets the fruits of freedom. Even those who don't know how to handle them.
They assembled a pile of clogs, boots, flip-flops, slippers and pumps, and, in celebration of the journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush in a news conference Sunday in Iraq, they tossed the footwear at a man wearing a papier-mâché Bush mask and a prison uniform....
The Bush figure dodged, weaved and taunted: "I can take it! I can take you all on!" But then somebody hit him in the crotch with a sandal, and he fell to his knees.
The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush is to be celebrated in an Afghan comedy show.
But in the satirical series, Zang-i-Khatar (Alert Bell), rather than duck the shoes Mr Bush will be hit squarely in the face.
A transit rider protesting moves to slash service and raise fares was dragged out of a public meeting by police officers who feared he was about to imitate the Iraqi journalist who hurled his shoes at President Bush.