Latest Iran Video: Protests of 22 Khordaad (12 June)

Tonight's Allahu Akbars (God is Great) --- One of Several Clips
Claimed Footage of Clashes at Vali-e Asr Avenue, Tehran
Sharif University, Tehran
Tehran University
Near Enghelab Avenue, Tehran "Death to Dictator"
Sharif University, Tehran "Meeting the Security Forces"
Sharif University
Security Forces, Hafez Bridge, Tehran
The Latest from Iran (12 June): 22 Khordaad
Claimed Footage of Clashes at Vali-e Asr Avenue, Tehran
Sharif University, Tehran
Tehran University
Near Enghelab Avenue, Tehran "Death to Dictator"
Sharif University, Tehran "Meeting the Security Forces"
Sharif University
Security Forces, Hafez Bridge, Tehran