Iran Urgent: Mousavi-Karroubi Statement on 12 June Protest (10 June)

In the name of God, the Compassionate and the Merciful
The informed and vigilant people of Iran
The informed and conscientious presence and participation of you at polling stations of the 10th Presidential election last year, taking advantage of the right to vote..., was a great move and an everlasting epic. It would have returned the country’s future path from the dreadful downhill, in which it was captive and today has become more obvious, to a bright future and the climax of prosperity that the great nation of Iran deserves.
Unfortunately tainted hands falsified your pure votes, and the results were announced in such a way that shocked everyone and initiated the unified protests of you informed people to get back your lost right. However, it was a sadness that your peaceful presence and rallies, instead of being heard and paid attention to, were suppressed and your forever glorious nation paid dearly over the past year to get back your stolen right.
Your great and unforgettable rally on 25 Khordaad (15 June) of last year is the evidence of the truth that even passage of time cannot reduce its value. The justified expectations of you dear people prompted us to request to have a rally for the anniversary of the unforgettable day of 22 Khordaad (12 June, the anniversary of the 2009 Presidential election) follow up on the justified demands of a prosperous nation that, despite all suppressions, did not wash its hands from peaceful ways and hopefully seeks a bright future for its county and the country of its children.
Based on Article 27 of the Islamic Republic’s Constitution that clearly states the unconditional right of the people to hold [peaceful] protests and demonstrations, and to prevent tension, while not giving any excuses to the repressors and providing safety and security of the people, we also handed in the letter of request for a permit to hold a demonstration on the anniversary of epic 22 Khordaad (12 June) from Imam Hossein Square to Azadi Square. [We gave this] to the office of the Governor of Tehran and the Interior Ministry in a timely manner but unfortunately, with endless made-up excuses, this request has remained unanswered.
Therefore a number of reformist parties and groups, to eliminate the made-up excuses, handed in a similar request to the Interior Ministry. The final answer of the Interior Ministry to this request has been stated in the latest letter of the representatives of reformist parties, who have announced that they have no hope to obtain any permit from this administration.
Now that there is only 48 hours left to the time planned for the demonstration, considering the report of the representatives of reformist parties and for the safety of the people, we are announcing that the planned demonstration will not be held. It is obvious that, with the dark history of the past year in repressing the protesters whose only crime was to demand their vote in a peaceful manner and with reportsindicating that once again hardliners and repressors are being organized to attack the defenceless and innocent people, we must ask the people and the protesters to follow up on their rightful demands and requests through less costly and more effective methods.
It is self-deceptive and naive to believe that in [the Government's] artillery with all the threats, insults, and lies, [it was] able to repress and subjugate people’s protest movement. Despite the deafening claims of the so-called national TV and Radio stations and the pro-government press giving the impression that the protesting forces of the Iranian people’s movement has diminished, the very same individuals involved in these claims --- as well as the policymakers --- more than anyone realise this fact that the movement is alive. The true honour belongs to those who, despite all the threats, dangers, and insecurities and knowing the potential life-threatening and financial consequences, still have not given up on their rightful protest. Even their simple announcement of demonstration makes the repressors shiver from fear with their wide-scale and comprehensive security and police mobilization. This is the tradition of an illegitimate government that does not give a permit to hold demonstrations to anyone but to their own supporters.
The path that you, the great nation of Iran, have chosen cannot be blocked, and you will brighten your role in this path with creativity. We also in all aspects, until the emergence of the bright morning of tomorrow,=will be with you and will accompany you.
Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi
June 10, 2010
Reader Comments (24)
[...] UPDATE: 14:55 GMT – The Official Translation of the Statement by Mousavi/Karroubi can be found here: [...]
What sort of other methods of opposition is he proposing? I haven't seen any specific call for a form of united civil disobedience, and now they are calling off the one protest they had proposed as a reward to the regime for denying them a permit? What sort of message does this send to the political prisoners? More importantly, what message does this send the regime? That as long as they threaten violence they can stay in power without a challenge?
Moussavi and Karroubi missed the chance to be part of Iranian Freedom Movement with theire decision to stay at home on 12 June.
What did they think, they get permission for a rally to protest against this rapist regime? No permission needed for us to try to get rid of this regime.
ma bishomaarim VVVVVV
Adam -
I agree there needs to be a tactical plan, that rhetoric goes so far. But I have a different read than yours and it is one that points towards patience and restraint. Rather than suggesting people take to the streets and walk into a trap with more beatings, arrests and deaths, Mousavi and Karroubi are being responsible by saying "not today...but soon" knowing the regime thugs will be waiting on every street corner.
This is a complete sham. These guys release egregiously wordy tomes about Khomenei and the glory days, but can't even propose solid strategies or methods for civil disobedience.
I get it, you don't want to be responsible for sending people into the warm embrace of charging basijis. But for goodness sake, PROPOSE some substantial alternative!
This is a tough one to swallow, I'll agree. Did Karroubi and Mousavi really have NO plan for the inevitability that their request would be denied? Out of the entire country of Iran, from the Basiji to the Greens and everything in between, these two politicians appear to be the only people in Iran who still respect the letter of the law.
However, perhaps the strategy is that the Green Movement will look better if people show up anyway when the rally has been officially cancelled. Still, I wonder what would have happened if the permits were not allowed, and Mousavi and Karroubi still showed up. Is the IRI really so confident that they would arrest these politicians? In public? I'm not so sure.
In the game of chicken, Mousavi and Karroubi blinked. We'll see if the strategy pays off.
[...] statement from the Facebook page of Zahra Rahnavard, Mir-Hossein Mousavi’s wife (for those of you who [...]
Agree Bozorg. The movement needs a plan of action. Statements on facebook are great and can inspire but nothing inspires like action.
James -
Yeah this one is tricky. I'm sure we all agree it is easy to put thoughts out as to what their action or lack thereof mean. But, as you point out, it will be very telling what the people actually do regardless of this statement. We have seen that the movement is self sustaning in that, events such as Ashura, brought large numbers to the streets even with statments from the 'leaders". A question I have, if numbers still do come to the streets, does this undermine Mousavi and/or Karroubi's legitimacy, vis a vis, as leaders of the movement. Granted they both state they are simply members and not leaders but there are no others making the public statements for the movment as a whole as these two are.
Again...we can only observe....
Job opening: Leader(s) with courage AND a plan
Employer: The Green Movement
Benefits: The eternal gratitude of the Iranian people
Competitive candidates will be contacted for an interview. Please, no phone calls or emails.
They know that people will come out anyways. By doing this, they want to refrain from giving the other side any more excuse to crackdown on them and the people who work for them because they broke the the law. (just yesterday the head of Mousavi’s campaign in Babolsar was arrested)
People didnt wait for mousavi and karoubi to tell them to come out on 25 Khordaad (15 June) of last year (correct me if im wrong). they did come out anyways.
If ppl are planing to come out they aren't waiting for a permission since everyone knows the permission will never come.. so this news should NOT effect anything... the same number of people who were planning to come out on that day will come out regardless of this statement.
I am not convinced that many people will come out anyway. As has been seen in the past, once the people realize that there is no leadership and that the security forces will just find them in small pockets, arrest them, and torture them, they will not come out. The only hope for this movement is to show enough unity to make the authorities afraid to crack down. With Mousavi and Karroubi constantly abandoning those that have sacrificed I'm not sure why anyone should turn out.
No Bijan, today was the "soon" you are referring to. Mousavi and Karroubi have repeatedly called on the people to hold back and show restraint and be patient. This was the one demonstration of civil disobedience that they were actually supposed to go forward with. If they can't do this, then maybe their movement really is dead. Don't get me wrong, the Iranian people are clearly opposed to the government, and eventually the regime will fall, but I'm not so sure anymore that will happen behind Mousavi or Karroubi.
I disagree. With all due respect I dont think you understand the undertoning of the farsi language and Iranian culture. You can ever get what you want in Iran if you say straight up and clearly what you want. There's an artful tradition called "tarof" in Iran... I can't explain it here, but maybe you can do some research on it yourself, if you are interested.
If you read this statement in Farsi you will realize that what they are really saying is that people should come out anyways, they're just washing their hands from any illegality that the regime can use against them later on.
A mathematically inclined friend of mine was approaching the problem of gathering millions on the streets again as a collective action problem, and he worked through all sorts of matrcies, and basically turned the problem into a math game.
I told him that all the fancy symbols doesn't amount to anything if it doesn't point to the chief solution for this sort of collective action problem: BOLD leadership.
And, sadly, we don't have it. Well, we do. But Majid is anguishing in a pestilential prison.
"With Mousavi and Karroubi constantly abandoning those that have sacrificed I'm not sure why anyone should turn out."
Do you really think the people come out because of Mousavi and Karroubi? Do they rally for them or for themselves?
"Where is my vote?" means the vote of each individual, and even if a majority of people had voted for Moussavi and Karroubi last summer, meanwhile this slogan has developed into something completely different: a manifestation of self esteem and an announcement to the regime, that it cannot function without its citizens.
I agree with James (Dissected News) that this was the only thing M & K could do in order to stay free and continue their efforts for reforms. The people will understand their situation and decide for themselves, i.e. each individual will decide for itself, whether to demonstrate at the risk of being beaten, arrested or even killed. Whether it is worth to risk its own life to obtain freedom or to stay at home and wait for better times to come...
I hope you guys are right. Believe me, I would love nothing more than to wake up and see on TV 3 million Iranians dressed in green marching to Azadi square. But the reality is that these young people who are risking their lives will only do so en masse if they have the cover of a united opposition movement that will then support them. Mousavi and Karroubi seem to have left these poor young people (those in jail or those at risk of jail) with no realistic expectation that the nation will stand behind them if the junta arrests them.
Mousavi once said that his blood is no redder than that of the young people who have been slaughtered by this regime over the past year. I don't see how his decision to call off this protest, while hundreds if not thousands of political prisoners are still being tortured, is consistent with that.
Thank you for the comments Freedom4Iran...your post explains better than I did.
Respectully Adam, please reread several of the comments posted here and you will see many believe that the people in Iran do not look to or need leaders to know what they want and to have the courage to make their opinions known. We have seen where, despite communications from Mousave and Karroubi not to take to the streets, people did go to the streets and did so fully aware of the risks involved.
Arshama makes a good point that this is about the individual..without them there is no green movement.
And we all hope we are right as well.....
I was not going to comment on this thread because I became utterly frustrated with Mousavi and Karroubi a long time ago and have ignored them for the past 10 months. I do not give a flying care about what they say or do not say anymore. I, however, decided to put my two cents when I read comments of those who are defending these two guys.
Please do not try to explain away actions or in-actions of these two characters by telling readers it is the readers and their inability to comprehend Farsi and/or Iranian culture. First, people have not checked out their common sense at the door just because they do not speak or cannot read Farsi or unfamiliar with Iranian culture. Second, I read, speak and write Farsi and I lived in that culture. I detested, did not, and do not prescribe to the culture of “Kaj Dar-o Mariz “(cope and go along with status-quo) or God willing it will one day things get better. I found that suffocating and an excuse for laziness. I subscribe to “if you cannot live with it or if you cannot take it any more then get off your butt and change it”, period, end of story. In other word stop romanticize about something you want. If you want it badly pull yourself up by up your bootstraps and make it happen. In this case if you want to be free and you want it badly put your life on the line and get the task done. If it is not worth your life then you do not want it bad enough. That is okay too but then hush up and do not complain if they hit you on head and treat you like cattle and donkey.
Wanting democracy means change of culture and change of attitude for Iranians. We have been at it for 100 years and democracy and independence have eluted us. why? In part, because we have not let go culture of apathy; the culture of “God willing it will happen.” Once we subscribe to the fact that Rights are granted or given, but it is earned and taken then we will get our Rights.
To other readers who are frustrated like me,
I share your frustration and echo your sentiments. These two guys, M+K, will never put their lives and livelihood on the line. They are spent Islamic Republic old guards in the delusion of their own. Just like the rest of guys in Islamic Republic infrastructure they are incompetent and cannot even spell leadership let alone exercise it. They are not willing to make any sacrifices, have no courage, and they will never be Nelson Mandela. Majid Tavakoli, the student activist in Evin prison, has more courage and leadership in his little pinky that a whole lot of Mousavi(s) and Karroubi(s) combined. The M+K do not even understand a simple principle that is to break a system you must be prepared to disobey its rules or laws. Which revolutionary in history was concerned about staying within the laws of the system they were uprooting? Mousavi’s and Karroubi’s tactics of asking for and needing permission to stand against Islamic Republic is the telltale sign of system of government they would have put in place if they ever succeed. I think we need to count our blessing that we did not get the Islamic Republic Part 2. We tried that during 8 years of Khatami and we need not to repeat it.
I really would like to see these two guys, Mousavi and Karroubi, to get the hell out of this fight because expecting them to lead Iran and Iranians to democracy is to expect Khamenei converting to Judaism.
I am with Bozorg that we need to start accepting application for a leader. We need a leader who at least can spell democracy and freedom without brining God into the fight by regurgitating a mouthful of Arabic words.
Thank you for the reassuring words, though not directed at me personally, I was a little moved by them. Often, I feel that as a Westerner (and especially as an American), I am sticking my nose into another family's business. Or, at least, certain types of Iranians have told me as such (pro-Ahmadi) on other forums (where I'm obviously CIA).
I'm quite aware, that what I read, what I write, is absolutely nothing compared to those whom have family and worry, or those whom are in Iran and show courage in the face of real threats. --I merely earnestly want to get the word out and be an advocate, for whatever little it's worth.
Before last year, I remember getting glares from others when wearing an Iranian Festival t-shirt or such. Or funny looks that I was very interested in Iran and its history (as if those interested in Chinese culture are Communists or those in Germany are Nazis). Even I have noticed a perceptible shift of a simple realization: the stereotype they had was not grounded on a human level - where many aspirations are universal. As Greeting Card as that may sound, it's the simple truth - muddied so long by crude, one-dimensional corporate propaganda.
[...] Iran Urgent: Mousavi-Karroubi Statement on 12 June Protest (10 … [...]
[...] Iran Urgent: Mousavi-Karroubi Statement on 12 June Protest (10 … [...]
Kurt -
Thank you for your comments and while not a direct response, the sentitment
I wrote in response to Adam is one that I feel towards many within the EA
community that are showing their solidarity with the Iraninan people, if in
no other way but by making themselves aware of the situation which will most
likely in turn lead to them sharing with others they know and then in time
we have collectively created a more educated popluation. We have seen the
effects of the internet and spreading information but lets be honest, those
who are interested fine the information, it is through the informal
discussions we have at work, with friends and family that are the ones that
will have the most pervasive impact on spreading knowledge and awareness of
the situation in Iran. To your comment below, it is worth more than you
So now may I say a direct thank you to as well.