Gaza Flotilla Video: Member of Israel Parliament Accused of Supporting "Terrorists"

A follow-up to EA's report on the statement of Haneen Zoabi of the Balad Party, who was on the Mavi Marmara and said that Israeli commandos fired on the Freedom Flotilla before boarding the ship....
During the Israeli Parliamentary session on Wednesday, she accused the Government of treating the Israel Navy’s bloody raid as a “pirate military operation". She asked why the soldiers had been ordered to confiscate reporters’ cameras and why the government had refused to allow the media to publish pictures of the nine people who were killed.
Zoabi called on the Government to open a national panel of inquiry and asked why it was so opposed to international calls for an impartial and external probe.
In response, Miri Regev of the LikudParty accused Zoabi of being “responsible for a double crime: joining terrorists, and a moral crime against the state of Israel”. Regev called at her in Arabic, “Go to Gaza, you traitor" and added:
Regev may have been talking about this video in which the "terrorists" were using their "deadly weapons" against fully-equipped Israeli commandos.
A follow-up to EA's report on the statement of Haneen Zoabi of the Balad Party, who was on the Mavi Marmara and said that Israeli commandos fired on the Freedom Flotilla before boarding the ship....
During the Israeli Parliamentary session on Wednesday, she accused the Government of treating the Israel Navy’s bloody raid as a “pirate military operation". She asked why the soldiers had been ordered to confiscate reporters’ cameras and why the government had refused to allow the media to publish pictures of the nine people who were killed.
Zoabi called on the Government to open a national panel of inquiry and asked why it was so opposed to international calls for an impartial and external probe.
In response, Miri Regev of the LikudParty accused Zoabi of being “responsible for a double crime: joining terrorists, and a moral crime against the state of Israel”. Regev called at her in Arabic, “Go to Gaza, you traitor" and added:
She sat here over a year ago and pledged allegiance to the state of Israel and its laws. I have no intention of stifling free speech, but in the case of MK[member of Knesset] Zoabi --- it is not freedom of speech. The Gaza flotilla was a terrorist flotilla and MK Zoabi needs to be punished. We don’t need Trojan horses in the Knesset.
Regev may have been talking about this video in which the "terrorists" were using their "deadly weapons" against fully-equipped Israeli commandos.
Reader Comments (5)
[...] Click here to view the embedded video. [...]
Ali: the flotilla had funding from charities linked to extremist groups. Evidently some people on board (as can be seen in a number of videos) where quite happy to attack the commandos, and from the videos before the interception were saying they will either reach gaza or martyrdom. The majority of people on board (and certainly in terms of ships) where genuine peace activists. However it just boggles the mind how some people in the west can defend those who weren't.
Additionally, these people are not going to help people in gaza. If the blocade is lifted, weapons will flow to hamas, hamas will do what it always does - start shooting at isreal, and isreal will what it always does - respond. Who do you think is going to be the big loser in that?
Finally if you think the metal bars and chains are not deadly weapons then perhaps you live in an area untouched by gang violence.
Israel is under attack AGAIN. It has been attacked before in the past - by sovereign States and has manged to defend itself well. This time it is under attack by "non-State" actors. Call them terrorists, call them guerillas, call them "freedom fighters", call them "civilians" - whatever you call them, they are much more difficult to fight because they are shadowy. But Israel nevertheless has to fight them.
This so-called "aid " flotilla was a direct attack on Israel - but it was an attack by civilians. It's thrust was direct - but curved, and although it was only a small knife, it was a knife aimed to hurt.
The Jews know that they are hated - but they have always been hated. However, much to the chagrin of these new haters, they have evolved - and now defend themselves.
"Turkish newspapers reported that three of the four Turks killed in the onslaught had declared their readiness to become martyrs."" rel="nofollow">
"A representative of FREE GAZA MOVEMENT said " Israel is a vicious enemy."
Why does this flotilla not sound like a "Peace and aid " effort to me?? Or is it merely that the naive peace activists were not aware of the fanatics within their midst. They must have been unaware - because they now deny it. But - then again - they would, wouldn't they!!! :)
The blockade of Gaza is illegal, and the collective punishments of Gazans a crime against humanity. Cheers to the flotilla activists that sought to break the Israeli siege and deliver basic goods that are banned by the rogue Israeli government.
I absolutely LOVE the pictures of the Israeli commandos getting bashed on the heads with chairs - classic. They kill cold-bloodedly, you would think they wouldn't get so whiney about a few cuts and bruises :-)
Have always thought the best way to end the occupation is to knock off many, many, MANY Israeli soldiers. I'd say 1-2,000 would do it? And it's legal too, according to international conventions on warfare.