Iran: Last Words of Executed Alamhouli "For God's Sake, Let Me Hear My Mother's Voice" (Ghazi)

The tradition for prisoners facing the death sentence is that they are informed of their execution the night before so they can pronounce their will and say farewell to their family. Even though they did not do this with Shirin Alam-Hooli, she was suspicious when prisoner guards asked her to step out of her cell, which they immediately locked behind her after she was out. She was then dragged out of the ward.
Shirin did not want to go. She expected to be at least told where she was being taken to. Why were they not allowing her to even put on her prison scarf? Why were they taking her without the usual required trench coat and scarf?
The next day, her ward mates spoke about the last words they heard her say: “I am in your hands so why are you not letting me at least say goodbye to my family? Let me say my final farewell to my friends. Why all this when there is no way for me to escape. For God’s sake let me hear my mother’s voice for the last time . . .”
Shirin Elm-Hooli’s death sentence was neither announced to her nor to her attorney. She was taken out of her cell deceitfully as she was solving math problems as she prepared herself for the 11th grade math exam coming up in two days. She had signed up to study in the adult literacy program and had promised herself that she would go to college and study law so that one day she could defend the rights of her compatriots.
Shirin’s cell mates stayed up that night, expecting her to be returned. They were shocked the next day when prison authorities came and took away her personal belongings, which confirmed to them that Shirin was gone for good.
Shirin was hung in Evin prison while her cell mates remembered her as a symbol of love and thirst for freedom. They remember her for her resistance and her nightly distresses caused by the cruel Middle Age tortures she had suffered at the hands of individuals who viewed her as a terrorist while truly believing they themselves were the representative of God.
In talking about Shirin, her cell mates talk of a woman who shared the little money or clothes that she had with the new comers. She would forego her telephone conversations with her family so she could attend to more pressing issues of helping other new prisoners and share whatever she had with them.
Shirin was hanged with four others, [such as] Mehdi [Eslamian], Ali [Heydarian], and Farhad [Vakili] and left us, while the Islamic republic continues to stay. But even in its stay, it is fearful of the corpses of these five citizens. The regime denied these five citizens and children of this land the basic right of saying goodbye to their loved ones, but now it is resisting returning the corpses of these victims to their family members.
One wonders, "Why does a regime that claims to represent God on Earth is afraid of returning the corpses of five people to their next of kin even after the lives of each one of these victims was shamelessly taken from them?" The executed were stars who were mercilessly pulled down and wiped out. Shirin had not been arrested in connection with Iran’s post 2009 election turmoil. She was a Kurdish activist who spent her energies on helping others.
Indeed, a regime such as this must live in fear. Even the dead haunt it. Have those running this regime forgotten that despite all their hangings and executions, the ancient regime eventually fell and disappeared? All the killings, executions etc of Shirin and her other fellow Iranians are carried out for the purpose of staying in power. Even if that means only for just a few more days.
Reader Comments (11)
[...] Letzte Worte der hingerichteten Kurdin Shirin Alam-Houli: Lasst mich die Stimme meiner Mutter hören [...]
Where are you Samuel?? Where are you M Ali???
Please tell me once again that the Regime that you support is not the same as that of Hitler and Stalin.
Another example of the IRI's exemplary judiciary:
Interview with the wife of Saeed Malekpour: “Interrogators told my wife the judge is with them”
The following is an interview with Fatemeh Eftekhari, the wife of Saeed Malekpour. Arrested on October 5, 2009 for designing a website eventually used to post pornographic material, Malekpour has been confined in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison for 19 months. He has steadfastly maintained that he had no knowledge of the website’s content as well as having no interaction with the operators. Furthermore, he states that he generically designed the website like the many others he has made. A resident of Canada, Malekpour is a material engineering graduate from Sharif University of Technology. He was arrested during a visit to Iran and now faces an intricate web of accusations against him and possibly many years in prison.
Read interview:" rel="nofollow">
I am here. You somehow think that sentimental pieces like this are a basis for logical arguments or forming one's opinion on the bigger picture, or that somehow a piece like this has not been used by every group ever.
How much is any of this true? Does it even matter to you?
Photo: 'Kurdistan, Tehran is with you!'
In an impoverished neighbourhood Nazi Abad south of Tehran, a graffiti reads: "Kurdistan, Tehran is with you!"" rel="nofollow">
To Ali the Taliban
I have never seen logical arguments when you try to defend the politics of the Iranian Regime.
You never have answered to the numerous violations of human rights in Iran. Your comment some days ago - was just only a prove, that you don’t have the foggiest notion, what a righteous trial it is. You are viewless – just a man without characteristics. What remains is that you are just only a bloody follower of victimization, deception and torture of a vindictive regime with a bloody and violent behaviour.
Ali the Taliban – what do you have to say ? Up to now you are just only defending rape, torture and violence.Is that your message?
Such hurting and ignorant statements are especially outrageous because of being in accord with those holding power in Iran. They are likely to stimulate hatred and should therefore maybe better been deleted, especially when dealing with executions...
What gives me consolation in this is that the time will come where comments like that will represent nothing more than an deserted old grumbling man dreaming from the past, so that nobody needs to care about them.
Because no dictatorship lasts forever.
And that was not the end of it.
I have been hypothesizing what is behind carrying the executions in this emotionally provocative way; how is it that the stories of inmates are let out of teh prison, even a letter of MAjd Tavakoli published outside. And I am leaning to believe these provocations are to function as a wedge between mousavi and the movement--in some ways catching mousavi between a rock and a hard place." rel="nofollow">
I would be very interested to see what is YOUR logical and non-sentimental response to this piece.
Is this woman executed or not?
Was she informed of the date of her execution?
Was her Lawyer informed?
Were her family informed?
Did she spend a pre-execution night in a prayer room?
Where is her body?
Why were her family arrested after the news of her execution was announced by Fars news?
Were her family and lawyers informed of her death BEFORE Fars News?
I would very much appreciate your logical answers to these straight forward questions.
Sorry to be late back to you on this. I think Ghazi drew on these accounts, as well as her own sources, for the article, which is why we posted her report --- it also brings in the other material that you mention.
That said, thank you so much for posting the links so EA readers can read these other versions of the life and sudden execution of Shirin Alamhouli.
M. Ali,
Anything that seems to tarnish the regime is always questioned by you. Why? Does it not bother you that articles like this seem to make their way out of Iran on a frequent basis? Do you have any humanity? Or do you think the regime is the "light" of monotheism and protectors of all human rights Ahmadinejad delusionally rants about--they couldn't have possibly have done this? I guess only in Iran can this kind of tragedy be swept under the carpet in the interests of "protecting the systm." You know in the US Detroit police accidentally shot and killed a 7 year old girl--and guess what it is front page news and the people are literally "frying" the police department. In Iran it seems to be the opposite especially so when it concerns deaths, rapes, and beatings at the hands of the regime. What a joke that your leaders call themselves god's chosen ones. I am a harsh critic of Islam but I would have to hedge a bet Muhammad would be livid at how callously your regime ignores human rights enshrined in Sharia in its efforts to stay in power.
By the way are you ever going to answer my question I askd numerous times of why all the Pro Green posters have vanished from cyber space and especially here? Instead all we seem to get is a steady stream of cyber basijis bent on challenging anything and everything that could damage the regime.