Iran Document: Mehdi Karroubi "The Green Movement is Growing in Society"

A group of members of The Bureau for Consolidating Unity (Advar-e Tahkim Vahdat, the major reformist alumni and student organisation) and other student activists visited Mehdi Karroubi.
In this meeting Karroubi said: “When pressure is put on social movements, naturally the different classes of the society mature; people of the society mature and reveal their true essence. In the current situation we witness that, despite all the pressure that is put on the people, the growing trend of the [Green] Movement is clear in the society, and despite all the pressure people are getting more sensitive about the performance of the government.”
He also emphasised, “The concerns of the government about the current situation is proof that they are scared of future activities and events. Imprisoning those who had been released recently and insisting on not releasing others clearly show that ruling powers have great fear and panic from people and people’s movements.”
According to Karroubi,the Green Movement is the natural right of the people and the ruling powers should give in to this right. As long as this acceptance is delayed the cost for clerics, the system, and Islam would grow.
Karroubi emphasised, “In order to respond to the people, the promises that had been made in the early days of the revolution should be honoured. Although these days we witness that many of those who paid no costs for the revolution are in power, the background and history of some of these fellows show that their presence have roots in the revolution and they should be able to convince the public with regards to the slogans they were using before, as the people of Iran have a very good historic memory and still remember those slogans and promises.”
Karroubi added, “We should open dialogue with all the organisations that are in the system and are influential.”....
Mehdi Karroubi stressed, “Escaping from the law has become normal and typical for those in power these days. An obvious example is the shutting down of all the oversight organisations and ignorance of the reports that shows the weakness and ineffectiveness of the economic policies of the country. We see that Management Organisation, the Supreme Audit Court and other inspection organisations either don’t exist anymore or have lost their previous functions.”
He also pointed to the claims of one of the officials who said that Iran has become a big factory and said, “Unemployment has always existed in our society, but in the current situation it is being felt more than before. Every day we hear about the shutdown or bankruptcy of a company or a factory. Then these fellows claim that Iran has become a big factory?”
Karroubi, addressing the ruling powers, said: “ It has been 30 years since the people have made all sorts of sacrifices for the Islamic system, so why do the ruling powers not admit to their mistakes and apologise to the people?”

Advar-e Tahkim Vahdat in
Middle East & Iran

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