Iraq and "Collateral Murder": The White House Response

Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary, fields a question about the "collateral murder" video from Iraq in 2007, first appealing to the assembled journalists --- "Many of you know colleagues that have reported from exceedingly dangerous places in the world" --- and then declaring:
Our military will take every precaution necessary to ensure the safety and security of civilians, and in particular those who report in those dangerous places of behalf of news organisations.
UPDATED Iraq: Reactions to the “Collateral Murder” Video
US Military & Iraq’s Civilians: The “Collateral Murder” Video
Civilian deaths,
Robert Gibbs in

Reader Comments (2)
The U.S. troops killed more than 10 civilian people according to the video from WikiLeaks. The U.S. officials and the journalists discussing this with the usual U.S. smiles on the faces.
Unbelievable. Crazy-House. Crazy-White-House.
Robert, what you say if someone in Russia or Germany will discuss the 911 with smiles ?