Middle East Inside Line: Gaza Tension; Palestinian State by 2011?; Israel's Hebron Show

MENA House: Changing of the President in Egypt?
On Thursday, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called on the international community to intervene to avoid escalation.
Militants in the strip responded to Friday's Israeli attack by firing a Qassam rocket into southern Israel.
Palestinian State around 2011? In an exclusive interview with Haaretz, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad stated that "the birth of a Palestinian state will be celebrated as a day of joy by the entire community of nations":
The time for this baby to be born will come and we estimate it will come around 2011. That is our vision, and a reflection of our will to exercise our right to live in freedom and dignity in the country [where] we are born, alongside the State of Israel in complete harmony.
If for one reason or another, by August 2011 [the plan] will have failed... I believe we will have amassed such credit, in form of positive facts on the ground, that the reality is bound to force itself on the political process to produce the outcome.
It is the right of an oppressed nation to say 'enough.' No one should be expected to stand for injustice, not least the Palestinians, who have endured long decades of occupation. Is it not what Gandhi stood for, what Martin Luther King stood for?
Thousands of Israelis Gather in West Bank: On Thursday, thousands came to the Cave of the Patriarchs in the West Bank city of Hebron to celebrate its addition to Israel's list of national heritage sites. Member of Knesset Ayoob Kara (Likud) said that "not even Hussein Obama will remove us from Hebron":
The masses that have come here, including the 40 members of the Land of Israel caucus, are a guarantee and proof that no one will move us from the Cave of the Patriarchs, not even Hussein Obama.
The Prime minister needs to say 'no' to Barack Hussein Obama, and 'yes' to the people of Israel, who have come here in their multitudes today. He needs to grant permits to start building in settlements and in all of Israel.
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