Last night, seeking an answer to a question concerning Iran and the US, I sought counsel from the English-language website of the Institute of North American and European Studies at the University of Tehran. (Dr Seyed Mohammad Marandi, one of the most prominent post-election commentators on non-Iranian media, is based at INAES.)
I got no joy, for
INAES' homepage reads simply: "This Account Has Been Suspended".
Reader Comments (12)
They ran out of bandwidth. lol
BUT - he's still a member of the English Department and you can even find his Email address there: mmarandi@ut.ac.ir
Start on TU home page http://www.ut.ac.ir/en/index.htm > Fac foreign langs + lit http://ffll.ut.ac.ir/index_en.asp > Departments > Eng Dept > Staff members > page 2 > show details. Curiously, this page has nothing after Website:
Why don't you just email him and ask him what happened to his entire Center for North American and European Studies? You could also ask why the Center for Women's Studies is still alive and kicking (http://cws.ut.ac.ir/) :-)
RE Anthony's post: LOL!
I wonder if the *Leveretts* had something to do with the (online only?) disappearance of the Centre. They visited it at Marandi's invitation in the last week of February and discussed some rather dicey reading material with the students, as they reported on their blog: "The Tehran University graduate students in American studies with whom we spent time told us that both of Obama’s books had been required reading in some of their classes." http://www.raceforiran.com/from-tehran-no-revolution-looming-but-deep-disappointment-with-obama%E2%80%99s-failure-to-change-u-s-policy
I don't think my question would get a reply....
Well he answered me! Here is what he says:
Thank you for the kind email. Since we are now the Faculty of World Studies, we are using this address:
Take care,
I should have known this because that's one of the TU faculties the Leveretts said they visited in their (Desperately Seeking Iran) blog post of 8 March ;-)
I think the correct link may be http://fws.ut.ac.ir/rtl/Default2.aspx.
I linked to the English version for your convenience. Your Persian link is indeed the one he sent me.
Well we now know who the "contacts" are for the Leveretts. It is also interesting that they have never disclosed who their contacts are. Regardless the tone of their articles clearly shows they are being spoon fed Regime propoganda and just eating it up. Can you provide any other proof who their specific contacts may be? It would be fun to disclose them on their site so everyone can see they are in bed with Regime cronies!
The Leveretts have always been extremely open about their association with Prof Marandi, his students and his North American Studies Dept. They have co-authored articles with him (eg http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=0EB1A844-18FE-70B2-A863CA2A46BF24AA) and were invited to visit his Dept in the last week of February:
I guess we now know why every world power ignores them. I would even go as far to say they use it as validation they are doing something right--as in they doing the opposite of what the Leveretts have to say. I have to admit it sickens me that US citizens are shilling for the regime. Do these people have no conscience? A neat thing I found about many who post at their site is the fact many are marxists. That fact clearly shows some of the intellectual bereft left are holding hands with dictators of the world because in their mind the captialist West is the bigger enemy. One wonders if they ever bothered to pay attention to the left who were wipped out in Iran after the revolution. Do these idiots not realize they are useful idiots that once their usefulness is used up they will be liquidated? I guess just goes to show hate blinds one to the truth. It reminded me of a time I came across a pro hamas rally in Chicago that had a contingent of gays protesting with them. I pulled one aside and pointed out to them, while the pals had legit reasons to protest for, Hamas was an Islamist organization and by extension dead set against homosexuality. They off course did not believe me and I then gave few choice quotes and some scirptural references and you could see the lights go off in their head. Like most they did not realize what puritanical Islam meant for gays--death! Some of them actually left the rally and good for them. Felt bad for the ordinary pal who could care less but I needed these people to realize they were being used as useful idiots and if they were ruled by Hamas they would be literally hunted down.
Thanks for the amusing Chicago story. I think you will find this little Iranian screw up most amusing in the light of your remarks on odd bedfellows above:
"Che Guevara family protests Islamist exploitation of legacy"
Islamist, Socialist Revolutions Don't Mix
An attempt to rope in the son and daughter of the Argentine revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara to forge a parallel between Iran's Islamist revolution and the socialist revolution in Latin America through a four-day conference has ended in fiasco.
Read on: http://www.ww4report.com/node/4540
All credit goes to Pessimist, who turned me on to this story in January (http://enduringamerica.com/2010/01/23/the-latest-from-iran-23-january-looking-for-clues/comment-page-2/#comment-24224)
I can't figure it out the liberal-Islamofascist alliance either. Why would the liberal Episcopal Church (ECUSA), a pioneering force for gay rights, host a dinner reception for Ahmadinijad - a man who denies the existence of gays in Iran?