Videos: The 22 Bahman Protests From Around the World

Washington DC
Atlanta, Georgia
AUSTRIA - Vienna
MALAYSIA - Kualar Lumpur
ITALY - Rome
BELGIUM - Brussels
Washington DC
Atlanta, Georgia
AUSTRIA - Vienna
MALAYSIA - Kualar Lumpur
ITALY - Rome
NEW Iran on 22 Bahman: Ahmadinejad “Wins Ugly” (This Time)
NEW Iran Document: Interview with Hossein Karroubi (11 February)
NEW Latest Iran Video: The 22 Bahman Protests (11 February — Set 4)
NEW Latest Iran Video: The 22 Bahman Protests (11 February — Set 3)
NEW Latest Iran Video: The 22 Bahman Protests (11 February — Set 2)
NEW Latest Iran Video: The Marches of 22 Bahman (11 February — Set 1)
BELGIUM - Brussels
Iran Elections,
Iranian protests,
The Netherlands,
UK in
Middle East & Iran,

Reader Comments (9)
Whats is happening in Frankfurt? They are burning the flag of Iran and waving some red flags instead?
Dear Heidar. Yes they are. I can only assume that these protesters are linked in the communist factions who have chosen to make a statement (which, by the way has been one by others on earlier occasions), and waved red flags instead. A new democratic union of Iran plan would be worth looking forward to though! Tricia
The Frankfurt demo outside the IRI consulate was organised by rather extremist left-wing groups. They rally there all the time and act in rather outrageous ways frequently. They are not supported by moderate non-partisan groups such as United4Iran Germany. As far as I know, there was another rally held in central Frankfurt today which was organised by non-partisan groups, but I haven't seen any footage of that yet. Hopefully, that will be published soon too.
The Dutch police showing their fascist side. Democracy is dying in Holland. With the trial against Geert Wilders, soon Dutch people will be fleeing to Iran!
The really only German political movement that shows solidarity with the people from Iran and their struggle are ultra-left wing Anti-German groups, mostly communist (in the original sense of Marx) and also in solidarity with Israel. Their other fields of political action include anti-fascism, fighting against nationalism and against anti-semitism.
In their analysis, they have outlined the "special relationship" between Germany and Iran, that spans from the 1920 through the Nazi era all the way to the 90s and 2000s. See e. g. Matthias Kuentzels works on this:
It turns out that one doesn't find any solidarity with the Iranian struggle for freedom in Germany, apart from those "extremist left-wing", as one comment writer above me scornfully insults them. Maybe it's important to look at the analysis the people one wants to do away with have.
Anusche N. is completely right. Unfortunately more than one radical group has been trying to "hijack" expatriate's rallies in support of the Green movement during the last 8 months. Mainstream supporters from very different camps, who gathered in front of the Roemer (townhall) today strictly condemn any acts of violence, given the peaceful nature of Iran's freedom movement.
It's a shame to burn the Iranian flag or any flag! This is what the miserable IR has done for over 30 years, constantly trying to isolate Iranians from the world community -- in vain!
The past 8 months have shown that a majority of Iranians is fed up with this inhumane and insane regime, which claims to be "Islamic" and kills its own citizens on Ashura. Iranians are fed up being isolated from the world by irresponsible leaders, stirring up hatred and fear to their own disgraceful benefit.
'About Germany' and these radicals are in the same line with this regime, which does not represent the Iranian people. We will reconquer our country with patience and peacefulness.
Ma bishomarim
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The flag they were burning was Islamic Republic flag. They exercised their rights of self expression. I for one enjoyed watching Islamic Republic flag that is a symbol of fascism burn. I hope we can retire Islamic Republic flag soon and replace it with a flag that reflects long and proud history of our great nation.
As with other flags or groups in that protest whether left or right, radical or moderate; in a true democracy every person rights is equal to the next person. Those people labeled communist or extremist or whatever have the right to participate in protest or political rally like any other person as long as they operate within the law and respect others’ rights. We can disagree with their politics and that is our rights but we cannot disrespect them and exclude them from the political process.
In a democratic republic majority rules and in a constitutional republic the LAW rules. In either system each person has one vote and viewed equally as the next person.
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