Middle East Inside Line: Hamas in Russia, Iran FM on "Crazy Israel", Palestine Talks

Iran FM on Israel "Crazy Nation, Crazy People": Following Ayatollah Khamenei 's statement, "Today Palestine is the symbol of life, determination, faithfulness, diligence, and dignity," Foreign Minister Manchour Mottaki jumped in: "Israel is a crazy nation run by crazy people. Therefore, we must prepare for the chance that Israel will do something crazy against everyone in the region: the Syrians, the Lebanese and the Palestinians."
Israel, Hamas, and Russia: Who is in Bed with the Bear?
Palestinian Authority on Peace Talks: With the leader of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas agreeing in principle to the U.S. proposal to hold talks with Israel, Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki said Monday that renewed talks with Israel under US mediation must focus first and foremost on the issue of borders.
The talks are expected to begin on February 20, a senior Palestinian official told AFP on Monday. "These contacts will be aimed at creating a better climate and reaching an understanding on the borders of the Palestinian state, and they will begin on February 20. They will last three months, with the Americans negotiating directly with the two sides after determining a timetable and agreed-upon mechanisms for implementation," the official said.
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