Iran's Executions: The Reformist Participation Front Questions to Sadegh Larijani

From the Facebook page supporting Mir Hossein Mousavi, via The Flying Carpet Institute:
Dear Mr. Larijani, the honorable Head of the Judiciary,
The news of the execution of two prisoners accused of being Moharebs warriors against God) created a spark of surprise and astonishment amongst the nation of Iran. During a time when the political atmosphere is one of fervent hope to wipe out the dark clouds of hatred and vengeance, this faulty action by the judiciary system was only further proof that there is no willingness and desire to create calm in the country’s political atmosphere.
Iran Analysis: The Regime’s Ultimate Challenge “We Will Kill You”
The judiciary, already accused of political maneuvering and ignoring justice and fairness because of its illegal and doubtful behavior towards reputable political forces arrested and jailed unfairly after the elections, will now be questioned even more after issuing suspicious death sentences for nine people and hastily executing two others.
A death sentence is regretful regardless of whom it is issued against, or whether or not that person deserves the punishment or is guilty of the crime. Even though we have no intellectual or actual kinship with these people, we are worried that the judiciary system is under the influence of forces that continue to move towards ordering further bloodshed and executions.
You are well aware that the death sentence is the only sentence that is irreversible. The legislators have therefore deliberately and knowingly created bureaucracy intended to lengthen the process between issuing and implementing a sentence in order to minimize any possible errors and unfair sentencing. The hasty executions of Mr. Rahmanipour and Mr. Alizamani have created much ambiguity and many open questions.
These two young men were naturally executed with your approval. In order to provide clarity to a highly inflamed public --- in particular the supporters of the Islamic Revolution, who view this type of behavior against Islamic principles --- to enlighten the public and eliminate any unnecessary advertising and propaganda against the system, and, more importantly, to protect the dignity of the judiciary and make sure that it is not compromised, it is important that you respond to the myriad of open questions which have been raised, some of which we will present in this letter.
If these sentences were fair and based on the law then calm will return to the political atmosphere. If God forbid, it is determined that unknowingly, these sentences were unfair and wrong, then you need to make it clear who will take responsibility for this heinous act, so that we eliminate the need to create committees such as those created to deal with the crimes at Kahrizak [Prison, where post-election detainees were abused and killed].
1) When were these individuals arrested? What was the reason for their arrests?
2) What was the logic for trying these individuals in the courts dealing with the aftermath of the elections, when they were clearly arrested a few weeks before the elections?
3) How were confessions obtained from them? In addition to their confessions, what other valid evidence was used to document their crimes?
4) Were fair judiciary procedures observed in their proceedings? Did they have access to legal representation? Were their lawyers allowed to visit them? Were their lawyers provided with sufficient time to review their case?
5) Is there any validity to the claims that the defendants were encouraged by interrogators to provide false confessions with the promise of lighter sentences? If true, does this not undermine the foundation of such a court?
6) Can the confessions given at the show trials, directed by those who committed the crimes at Kahrizak and who were also responsible for interrogating the accused, be the basis for issuing such heavy sentences?
7) Was the minimum Islamic compassion shown towards the accused, allowing them to meet with their families one last time before their execution?
Mr. Larijani, these questions and many more that have remained unanswered, have led the public to believe that the issuance and implementation of these sentences had no legal basis, was politically motivated and without logic and, God forbid, used to create political pressure and generate fear amongst the nation.
Mr. Larijani, we are aware that many of the penal codes based on constitutional principles were ignored in the the issuance and implementation of these sentences, in particular Rules 168, 165, 38, 35, 32. The lack of response to these ambiguities will cause irreparable damages to the country and the system.
"I will share the truth with you / You can either learn from my words or take offense"
The Islamic Iran Participation Front
29 Jan 2010
Reader Comments (6)
Glad to see one group dared to speak out. Yesterday I wrote the following words wondering about the silence in the reformist camp.
Has anybody noticed that there has not been any comment or acknowledgement by Karroubi or Mousavi regarding execution of Arash Rahmani Pour and Mohammad Reza Ali-Zamani? That to me is a disgrace.
Once again regime played Mousavi and Karroubi like a violin. Regime by labeling these two young men as monarchist and MKO managed to show the depth of Mousavi and Karroubi hypocrisy. For me they were two Iranians, two human beings, who were executed unjustly and without due process.
If Mousavi and Karroubi believe in IR constitution, the big drum they have been beating since election, they should be appalled by conviction or execution of any Iranian without due process irrespective of person political affiliation. If Mousavi and Karroubi were principled as they advertise they should have acknowledged that execution of these two young people were not in accordance to IR penal codes.
Once we sanction one execution we have sanctioned all executions whether it is in streets or in the confined of prison walls, or by order of a kangaroo court.
I hop Iranians open their eyes and take notice of silence of these men who pretend to be on the side of with people.
in the § just above the first question, what does "unknowingly" mean? (I'm not an english native speaker). Could it possibly mean that it was just a regrettable mistake?
Besides, are the authors of this letter implying that some sort of vague clarification would be enough and that they would be satisfied with it (no need for an investigation committee)... or course the statement can also read as a threat but that's precisely what is dubious about the reformists' statements: we can always read them as best suits you and any news outlet is entitled to quote the passage they choose and who can say who is right or wrong (I'm thinking of some worrying passages in Karrubi's letter about the legitimacy of the AN government)
and, I agree with you, Megan, the reformist camp doesn't sound appalled enough at such atrocious executions.
Let us never forget these 2 names, however difficult to memorize for us non Iranians.
Here's to you, Mohammad Reza Ali Zamani and Arash Ahmadipour,
Rest forever here in our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph
I read your post yesterday and I, too, have been impatiently (and probably pointlessly) waiting for some reaction to these executions by the Karroubi or Mousavi camps. I don't think they need to be worried about being accused of defending the MEK now that the questions and conclusion of this open letter show clearly that this is a question of violating the rule of law with politically motivated executions. Now would be the time for them to (finally) run with the issues laid bare in the letter.
I have been very disappointed for the last six months in their persistent silence regarding, for example, the many politically motivated arrests, death sentences and executions of Kurds, Persian juvenile offenders and hapless individuals sentenced for moral offenses since they've been (ex-)candidates , let alone the execution of Arash Rahmani Pour and Mohammad Reza Ali-Zamani.
The Rape of Iran
They arrested an innocent
called her a Monarchist
Couldn't hang her
a prisoner
unless..., but
The Dog of Iran is evil
and his jackals prey
They arrested an innocent
called her mohareb
This Ali Khamenei's an alpha male
does lead his jackals
that howl their prayers
No fatwah can intercede
where modesty forbids
unless a Supreme evil
lets loose and spreads
Can't hang her
a prisoner
This Ali Khamenei's an alpha male
who leads his jackals
that howl their prayers
They arrested an innocent
called her foul names
Ali Khamenei's a dog
who wags his tail long
They couldn't hang her
unless they transformed.
Thus they grew big
forever Grand pigs
Evil is
no challenge
for animals
that prey
In blood and screams
they ripped her hymen
Before the world
they hanged her
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