Iran Patriotism Special: Wiping the Green From The Flag

Yesterday we noted that the Iran flag had morphed from Red, White, and Green into Red, White, and Blue in a speech by President Ahmadinejad to officials:

I thought this might have been a production slip-up, with the Iranian flag melting away into the sky, but now a 2nd photo has emerged, from Ahmadinejad's introduction of the new head of the Islamic Republic News Agency:

Golnaz Esfandiari of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has more on the story.

I thought this might have been a production slip-up, with the Iranian flag melting away into the sky, but now a 2nd photo has emerged, from Ahmadinejad's introduction of the new head of the Islamic Republic News Agency:

Golnaz Esfandiari of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has more on the story.
Reader Comments (43)
Ironic that this turns their flag red, white, and blue.
Well, look who's flying "Satan's" colors. One would think they would choose any (any!) other color that blue. The Green Movement terrifies them. Can you think of anything that would make any country change the colors of their flag to those of their worst enemies?
Ironic that they're thus excising a color known for its association w/Islam.
Hold on!!! What about Hamas???? They are very "green" . Has anybody noticed if they are running around in blue these days?
mwhite is exactly right, in fact, green was specifically chosen to represent Islam on the flag. even more comical, blue was the color of the old "imperial emblem" before 1979. (4 legs good, 2 legs better!)
The flag is normal. It flies everywhere that Islam grows and takes root. To show our support of the green color, we will be pasting leaves on all the bare branches of trees, even if it snows. However the evil herbicides from the evil UK are destroying the green. Also, we will be painting the town red...
We are scrubbing the green moss from all the trees and washing the moss from Azadi Tower.
There must limits to the green moss and rolling stones.
The UK is green with envy. Their intelligence agent and spy, Mr. Roy G. Biv is being expelled immediately
Regime Announcement: No change has occurred to the Iranian flag's colors, but the color formerly known as blue is now known as green. The color formerly known as green is forbidden.
White is the color of peace. Blue is the color of the sky, symbolizing ideals, reflection, thought. They too must go. Only red is appropriate for this bloody tyranny.
As even the UK decadents poets have revealed: "What's in a color/would not a green rose smell as sweet?"... "What's in a name/Would not a rose by any other name smell as sweet?" --- NO, it is not sweet. A rose must have thorns.
What's in a name? We will not be fooled again. We will recapture Mullah Nasrudin. Our agents have read of his antics here and we will not allow his works to be published." rel="nofollow">Names such as in this are forbidden. We read everywhere and the blues will be defeated. No one can give our patriots the blues. Victory is through the green door of Islam. We own the garden...
I think IR should change its flag to black-red-black. The top black for have put the nation in state of mourning for 31 years and for many year to come, the red for spilling blood of innocent Iranians, and the other black for having a black heart and mind. In the center they should remove Allah and put a noose.
As another good action for civil disobedience, all available IT experts should change the flags on their videos or official event photos to other colours - instead of green, black (mourning), (you got it first Megan) or pink (feminine) or scottish tartan (independant spirit), or why not brown to show the hitlerian aspect, .... whatever the message to be conveyed. The greens could also be glad and say thanks as continuing green on the flag today is almost (or is) an insult to their movement.
and shocking, my imagination is going wild, why not a lovely print of Marilyn Monroe on AM's horrible jacket, or Madonna on Khameini's ugly robe ?
This is very weird and a clumsy move if on purpose (so much so I have difficulty believing it to be true). I cant really imagine what the regime stands to gain by embarrassing itself like this. If they are worried the green in the flag reminds people of the ongoing demonstrations then removing it will remind people even more potently.
Oh a SECOND photo -- well, that PROVES it then, doesn't it? LOL! The first photo doesn't even show flag -- it is showing the SKY which at least here on planet earth is indeed blue. So in fact all you have as "evidence" is ONE photo -- which may be photoshopped. This reminds me of the FALSE story that the Iranian soccer players wore green wristbands as evidence of their support for Mousavi when in fact their shirt collars were also green because green was simply part of their uniform's color combination. How pathetic to try to exaggerate your importance by promoting such BS.
I do not know if green wristband for soccer team was photo shopped. We read in the news that some players were benched and were not allowed to play in the next game after green wristband incident. I understand one player opted to retire after that incident.
I certainly do not have any evidence to confirm or deny either of these two incidents, the flag and the soccer players green wristbands. Do you have any evidence?
I personally took the flag as a tease and played along. From comments it is obvious so did other readers.
good comment!
[...] have reacted by taking the green band in Iran’s flag and turning it to blue. See here and here. Before rigging the elections this summer, the regime had warned the opposition not to attempt a [...]
No one said that the green wristbands were photoshopped Megan. Regarding the green wristbands, it was pointed out that it was a standard part of the players' uniforms, along with their green shirt collars and green design on the front of their shirts -- and so, not a political statement.
The point is that this is a BS story that is being repeated without any basis. One photo of a blue flag proves nothing.
And the rumor that the soccer players were sacked was also false.
I mean, seriously Scott-- you claim that Iran is deliberately eliminating the green from the flag and has gone to the bother of painting it blue -- and yet there's Ahmadinejad, in the photo you're using, standing before a GREEN flag. GREEN. Why is THAT flag not also blue? Did they forget?
Why do you repeat such bS?
Hey, don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger. If the Iranian Students News Agency publishes such photos, it's my obligation as a journalist to pass them on.
Are you an Iranian?
Seems typically heavy-handed and tone-deaf, if true.
Do they imagine, with green gone from the flag, protesters will ALSO give it up?
If anything, it cedes the color to the protesters, who will then embrace it that much more strongly as a symbol of solidarity.
And if it's true that it's a color closely associated with Islam, the government concedes that association as well.
And to the previous post about the flag in the foreground, you need a little more time to change an actual flag that to change a BG...
Actually Scott the duty of a journalist is not two pass along whatever someone elase says especially when it's bs like this.
Hass is right.