UPDATED Israel-Palestine: Netanyahu's New Condition: "Israeli Presence in West Bank"

There was also criticism within Israel. Meir Sheetrit, a member of Parliament of the opposition Kadima Party, said, "Netanyahu was ruining any chance for negotiations and is proving, again and again, that he is not interested in peace. There is no way that the Palestinians would agree to such an offer, and whoever raises it should negotiate with himself."
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not only harshly criticized the Palestinian Authority's "pre-conditions" for re-starting negotiations but set a new condition for a future peace agreement. Netanyahu said that Israel must have a presence in the West Bank to stop rockets from being imported even after an accord is signed.
Referring to the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon, Netanyahu said: "We are surrounded by an ever-growing arsenal of rockets placed in the Iranian-supported enclaves to the north and to the south" and added, "In the case of a future settlement with the Palestinians, this will require an Israeli presence on the eastern side of a prospective Palestinian state."
Netanyahu was critical of the authority of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. Netanyahu said that "Palestinians are climbing up a tree", as Israelis are calling them to the negotiation tent, by "piling [on] pre-conditions" such as "the refugee problem, security concerns or the Jewish state matter."
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Reader Comments (1)
Will Netanyahu allow a Palestinian presence within Israel to make sure that Israel neither imports nor manufactures rockets and missiles and nuclear weapons, etc.?
And whatever became of "no pre-conditions"?
Ah!, slogans! And Ah!, negotiating from a position of strength.
Israel is very comfortable indeed with the one-state solution, at least the variety it has implemented since 1967. Apartheid, non-democratic, terrorist (particularly as practiced by Israel), but possibly (just marginally) unacceptable to the US. (Oh, why is the US so picky, anyhow? Who are US presidents trying to impress? No one believes them outside the US and even there they lose credibility through inaction.)