Iran Analysis: How "Mohareb" Death Sentences May Hurt Regime

Iran will put 16 opposition demonstrators on trial, Monday, and several are to be charged with "offending God and his prophet." Sixty journalists and intellectuals are expressing outrage over use of the charge of being "mohareb", which carries the death penalty.
The Iranian judiciary will put 16 opposition protesters on trial, Monday, in connection with demonstrations last month on the holy day of Ashoura. Press reports and recent statements by Iranian prosecutors indicate several will be charged with the offense of "mohareb" or "making war against God and his prophet." Conviction on such a charge carries the death penalty.
The Latest from Iran (18 January): Firewall
In an open letter to the Iranian judiciary, a group of 60 Iranian journalists and intellectuals, most of whom live abroad, are demanding a stop to using the religiously-based charge of "mohareb" against opposition protesters. They say in their letter, that "if protesting is making war against God, then we are all warriors."
Some pro-government supporters are also unhappy about the use of the charge against opposition protesters. In a recent interview with Iranian state TV, Javad Etaat, argues the government is contravening the principles of Islam by using an iron fist against protesters. He points out the first Imam of Shi'ite muslims, Imam Ali, said 'keep people that criticize you close to yourselves, because even if their words are bitter, you will benefit from them in the end."
Former Iranian president Abolhassan Bani Sadr, who now lives in exile in Paris, argues the use of the term "mohareb" by the Iranian government is excessive. He says the regime is not respecting its own laws, because the term "enemy of God" means someone who takes up arms against a just regime, and people did not take up arms against the regime, they were merely demonstrating to protest against dictatorship, a right which the law of the Islamic Republic gives them. Secondly, he argues, in the case of an unjust regime, the Koran says a muslim has not only the right, but the obligation to revolt against it. Thirdly, he adds, it was the government that fired on the people during Ashoura, when they were exercising their legitimate right to demonstrate.
Scott Lucas of the University of Birmingham in Britain, who is behind the popular Iran blog "Enduring America," says government tactics such as charging protesters with being "enemies of God" are starting to cause a rift within the government itself. "If you look at what Dr. Etaat said during that extraordinary (Iranian TV) interview this week, this is a very telling point, which he said: when you use the term "velvet revolution" and the terms "enemy of God," what you are pointing to is a revolution against an unjust system. You are highlighting how unjust the system is by using the terms. So, "mohareb," rather than unifying people behind the Islamic Republic just risks causing more splits and rifts, and rifts within the regime. There is some really serious opposition within the regime, which is saying "look, back off, stop doing this," and one reason is because they are using this term "mohareb," he says.
Lucas says the judiciary appears to be downplaying the latest trials, unlike the "show trials of opposition activists during the summer."
Reader Comments (8)
This should be an interesting trial considering how the government and prosecution not only assume that god exists without any evidence, but that he/she/it is offended by such trivial matters even though he/she/it is omniscient.
To protest against God's darling, the Supreme Leader, to shout "death to Khamenei", is to make war against God.
There is no top-dog but Khamenei and Ahmadinejad is His messenger
There are those who would laugh at me, but I can say that in the history of martyrdom that I've observed, I've never heard God laugh. Laughter is for Ahmadinejad.
Death to America and the UK and have a nice day.
Peace be with me.
Thanks to Edward and Scott for commenting on this unbearable issue.
Using "mohareb" as a criminal count means a regression into one of the darkest periods of te IRI. In summer 1988 thousands of leftist dissidents, especially MKO members, were executed in Iranian prisons like Evin on the pretext of being a "mohareb" or "mortad"
The victims were hastily buried in a mass grave at Khavaran cemetery SE of Tehran, which has been demolished by AN's government in January 2009 (to cover the tracks):
In 1988 Khomeini could "justify" these atrocities on the pretext that some MKO members took up arms against the regime, which is not the case today. I think the extremist wing of this regime yearns for some violent reactions by the people in order to break down all opposition. Condemning peaceful protesters or even those, who attacked security forces and demolished whatsoever, is one of their strategies to goad the Greens.
This is while the other wing tries to calm down the situation by airing critical discussions like the one with Javad Etaat. A stick and carrot tactic perhaps, but I rather believe this regime is too divided in itself and too headless to act reasonably.
A message to all those, who preach a "modernized Islamic republic": Ayatallah Kazemeini Boroujerdi has signed the Secular Green Manifest:
[...] Analysis: How "Mohareb Death Sentences May Hurt Regime See: Iran Analysis: How “Mohareb” Death Sentences May Hurt Regime | Enduring America MY OWN ANALYSIS: EXPECT SLOGANS LIKE THIS IN THE NEXT DEMONSTRATION 1. "We are all [...]
To the others on this thread, my apology for going off topic.
Mr. Khamenei,
Sir, I demand redress for the insolent interruption by one Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of our informal private conversation (16 Jan 2010 Latest Iran News: Ripples)! The cad was talking about some damn yogurt drink like it was a clever pun from some creative wordsmith with his iconic transmissions whom we should read more carefully.
Russian Space seeds as a gift? What did you give in return, a prime drilling block in the Caspian? My God, Dmitri and Vlad found a mark with y'all. They must be spewing vodka out their noses laughing so hard. Did they give you the Polonium Samovar too? It makes tea you only drink once.
The nerve of your man to challenge me! In our new world society and culture an offence such as this would lead to a match at 26 paces with a .38 special on a .45 frame. My blood is boiling to the point of seriously considering walking back into the Fray. The BBAaRR was put in his place so it can be arranged for a Mad Man for Mahdi.
[Mahmoud, you sniveling snooping snitch, I know you are monitoring this communication: I should enter the land through Kurdistan? Da.
Who got a Revolutionary Angels command staff punked? Chasing Phantom menaces allows a real enemy to score.
You should take up Hugo's offer of hospitality and vaction in the Carribbean. Permanently. Damn idiotic twit, no wonder three-fifths of your countrymen wish to slap you upside the head.]
Now Sir does your Great Civilization have civility or not? We hear on the world wide news the pouting and whining about how the Greenies are Meanies because the say "Mar Barg Diktator", "Mar Barg Khamenei". Well how about "Ayatollah Time to Go-ah", "Mr Khamenei, Please Step Aside" instead. And if the US influenced them as much as you cry about, it would be" F--K You, Khamenei". On the assumption that you are so thin skinned, you need to consider if you are in the right profession. Perhaps it is time for retirement, you and your grandchildren would be able to play Call To Revolution 3.0 in the new man-cave (Doug can hook you up).
Until my grievance is formally addressed,
Your Cold War Adversary
[...] Read more from the original source: Iran Analysis: How “Mohareb” Death Sentences May Hurt Regime … [...]
I apologize for my Ahmadinejad: he gets carried away sometimes.
Don't worry, I'll have your "Death to America" coffee mugs soon. But the IRGC has gotten a controlling interest in the " 'The Many Faces of Eve' Coffee Mug Company" and the women workers are threatening to go on strike.
With all the internal strife, I'm very busy with the plot of the day and Ahmadinejad's latest movie or soap opera script. We keep sending him away to make speeches but he keeps coming back. I can't promise to always give a personal reply to all infidels(I mean that in a polite way).
Best wishes and kind regards,
There is no top-dog but Khamenei and Ahmadinejad is His messenger and changeling.
Apology Accepted.
Friend, let me give you some advice (a word to the wise). You are in check and can not get out of it. Offer a draw, grant the parlimentary system that the persian grandparents of 1905 understood was proper for your society, and pass the leadership rei(g)ns to the next generation.
You delegated too much authority to others over these past several years, and, now, when you need to exercise it they won't give it back. Your true threat is not the Green Wave, but your revolutionary cadres seeking to usurp the throne and over your cadaver if necessary. Unfortunately for you, it starts with the favored One.
Your saving grace is that ulitimate moral responsibilty rests on the shoulders of the Man (male or female) ruling the Land. Use it to back away from a civil war which you will lose. Have faith in the people to find the way forward, they will surprise you.
You provoked nostalgia in my soul with your past communications, and the ghosts, demons and Loves of the past arose to remind again that we are on a time limited sojourn in this wonderful and terrifying world.
It is time to bring the bloodshed to close and move forward allowing the new generations to experience these human truths for themselves.
As for Mahmoud you need to have a heart to heart talk with the boy. There is no telling what crock The Croc whispers in his ear. If you need an outsider to do so let me know.
As for the harsh tone of my previous correspondence, well like you I am only a man and I allowed my inner Anakin Skywalker to get the better of me. If only the Force would let me strangle that man from a distance!
As for the coffee mugs have Eve contact me, we will work it out. No need to burden you further.
Blessed Be God and all of us,
PS You haven't heard the Lord God laugh? If you were as faithful as you claim, you would be there for the evening walks and hear it every time some human being claims to be superior to other humans. Then the Lord God calls an angelic choir to sign Pslam 82 to all those present so they may hear and learn.