Iran Document: Mousavi's "5 Stages to Resolution" Statement (1 January)

In the name of God the Compassionate and the Merciful
It was constantly said to me and [my] friends that if we don’t issue any statements, people would not take to the streets and would quit their protests and demands, and peace would return to the country. I, as one of those accompanying the great Green movement of the people, was not in favour of this idea and believed that things would not go back to normal unless the necessary reforms based on the clear principles of the constitution were carried out.
Iran: A Gut Reaction to Mousavi’s “Martyrdom v. Compromise” Statement
The Latest from Iran (2 January): The Ripples of the Mousavi Statement
For the commemoration of Ashura, despite several requests, neither ]Mehdi] Karroubi, [Mohammad] Khatami, me, nor any other friend issued any statement. Yet people spontaneously came to the scene and showed that the extensive social networks formed spontaneously during and after the election would not wait for statements and announcements. While people neither had any accompanying or encouraging newspaper nor had the benefit of the state-run television and radio....all the nations and people of the world witnessed that in the middle of a storm of threats, propaganda, insults, and Godless callings, the mourners of Imam Hossein [Prophet Mohammad’s grandson] on this holy day, while calling on Hossein, peacefully and without chanting any radical slogans, took to the streets and squares which they had chosen themselves, and this time they again faced provocative actions. Unbelievable brutalities like running people over by cars, shooting at people by the plainclothes militia whose identity is not hidden from anyone..., creating a disaster whose consequences will not leave the political scene of our country anytime soon.
Watching the shocking footage of Ashura shows that if sometimes slogans and actions moved toward unacceptable radicalism, it is because of throwing innocent people off bridges and heights, shooting them, running them over by cars and assassinations. It is interesting that in some of this footage, people were seeing their [religious] brothers behind the faces of the oppressive police and Basij forces, and in that critical situation and on that deafening and hateful day they were trying to protect them from any harm. If the state-run television and radio had the slightest bit of fairness,to calm the atmosphere and bring people closer together, it would have shown a little of these scenes. But no way! The progress of events after Ashura and the extent of arrests and other Government actions show that the authorities are repeating the same past mistakes this time in a greater scale and think that the policy of terror is their only solution.
Assume that, with all the arrests, brutalities, threats, and shutting the mouths of newspapers and media, you can silence people for a few days. How do you solve the change in people’s view of the establishment? How do you rectify the lack of legitimacy? How do you change the stunned and blaming views of all people of the world over all this brutality of a government against its own people? What do you do with the problems of the country’s economy and living conditions that are getting worse because of extreme weakness of the administration? With what backing of expertise, national unity and effective foreign policy, can you alleviate the shadow of more UN resolutions and international attempts to win more points against our country and our nation?
They think that by pushing back the intellectuals, scholars, academia, and political activists, they can return to the day before the election without going back to the roots of today’s problems of the country. But those who have studied the history and know a little about the complicated nature of sociology know that this idea is the result of an illusion to escape from reality and seek refuge to shallow and deceiving actions.
I clearly and bluntly say that the order of execution, murder, or imprisonment of Karroubi, Mousavi and figures like us will not solve the problem. The announcements made this Wednesday in Enghelab Square [central Tehran] and, before that, during the last Friday prayer by some figures affiliated with the establishment will make the consequence of any terrorist act the direct liability of the establishment and will make the problem of the current crisis unsolvable. Calling a major portion of the society a bunch of insignificant cows and goats and calling them dirt and straws and declaring the murder of Imam Hossein’s mourners Mobah [religiously allowed] are disasters that are currently caused by a known group and the state-run television and radio. What kind of speech is this, that from a government’s podium invites people to fight with each other and calls a group the party of God and the other the party of Devil? They announce several times in a short speech to the people that it is a war! Are these remarks a call for civil war and riots? Considering the use of religious language and the references to the Qu'ran’s verses and the teaching of the Prophet, the knowledgeable Marja [senior clerics] and clergymen can say what should be done to these kinds of people.
As a small member of society, these remarks in the past few days remind me of the words of Imam Khomeini (peace be upon him), “Kill us and we will get stronger.” I have no worries of becoming one the martyrs who lose their lives in the quest for their religiously and nationally legitimate demands since the election. My blood is no redder than those martyred.
I bluntly say that, unless the existence of a serious crisis in the country is recognized, no solution to the problems and issues can be found. Not recognizing the crisis will become the justification for continuation of oppressive solutions. Recognizing the current crisis can find the solution not in confrontation but rather in national unity. Accusing people of Godlessness and collaborating with foreign imperialistic powers and infamous people and appalling movements such as MKO [Mujahedin-e-Khalq "terrorist" movement] with the hope that it could lead to the physical elimination of some the devotees of Islam and the people is the consequence of closing eyes over the nature of the country’s problems. I, as a devotee, say that MKO with their betrayals and crimes are dead [in the eyes of Iranians]; don’t revive them because of hatred and for partisan gain.
Before I offer my solution for getting out of the crisis, I find it necessary to emphasize on the Islamic and national (rather than foreign-dominated), and loyal to the Constitution nature of us and the Green movement. We are followers of Imam Hossein. We are infatuated with the freedom of which the innocent Imam was the harbinger. We are followers of the one [Imam Ali] who would not tolerate the theft of a jewel from the foot of a Jewish woman in the vast Islamic land. We believe in a Godly interpretation of Islam that considers all human the same and of equal value in creation. [We have] a view that believes in the innate dignity of humanity and does not accept that the attacker receives a different food from what his victim is given or is [punished with] torture and similar retributions.
I and my dear friends, many of whom are jailed in prisons, are serious devotees of the country’s independence and suffer when our Islamic market is turned into a deceitful market of foreign goods. We are strongly opposed to the present corruption that is the result of wrong policies and lack of insight. We say that a large and influential organization like the Islamic Republic Guard Coprs cannot defend the country and national interests if it wants to calculate everyday how much the stock market has gone up or down; it will corrupt both itself and the country. We say and are prepared to participate in discussions to show that, today, wages and the benefits of the poor, workers, clerks, and other groups in the nation are sinking in vast corruption. The Green movement is opposed to lies as a home-wrecking pest in the country, and therefore we consider the [Government’s] lies in politics, security, economy, culture, and other areas a great danger.
We want a truthful, kind, and peaceful administration and Government, based on people’s votes, that looks at difference in people’s views and opinions as an opportunity not a threat. We see [a current Government] looking into the private lives of people, conducting an inquisition, spying, closing down newspapers and limiting media against our prosperous and empowering religion and against the Constitution raised from this religion. We consider wasting the public’s money for achieving personal and partisan goals sinful, and we announce that the national 20-year plot that has been approved by all levels of the establishment today has turned into a worthless piece of paper. We warn that significant competitors in the region with two-digit economic growth are emerging and every day get stronger while unfortunately our Government is incapable of establishing the yearly budget, keeping tabs on the country’s accounts, safeguarding people’s savings, and being responsive in front of the Supreme Audit Court and the Parliament.
We are neither affiliated with Americans nor British. We have neither sent greeting cards for the leaders of any powerful countries nor are hoping for their assistance. We know that in international affairs every country is after its interests, and we hate those who don’t respect the culture and religious and national beliefs of their nations. It is ludicrous to accuse us of insulting the Qu'ran and Imam Hossein’s Ashura and of tearing apart the picture of Imam Khomeini. Obviously if there has been any disrespect on the day of Ashura, we don’t approve this, but we consider that the worst kind of disrespect is the murders of innocent people and mourners on the day of Ashura and in a month [Muharram] in which killing is banned by Islam.
I think that the solution to the current problems and the present crisis is as follows. Today the situation of the country is like an immense roaring river where massive floods and various events have led to its rising and then caused it to become silted. The solution to calm down this great river and clear its water is not possible in a quick and swift action. Thinking of these kinds of solutions that some should repent and some should make deals and there should be some give-and-take to solve this great problem is in practice going off the track.
I consider letting streams and springs of fresh clear water into this river to be the solution that will slowly and gradually improve the water and the river. I also believe that it is still not too late and our establishment has the power to accomplish this important task, should it have insight and a respectful and kind view toward all of the nation and its layers. I describe some of the solutions that, like streams and springs of clear water, can influence the national atmosphere and improve the situation:
1. The administration should be held liable in front of the people, the parliament and the judiciary system so that there would be no unusual support for the Administration in response to its incompetence and ineffectiveness. The administration should be held accountable for all the problems it created for the country. Undoubtedly, if the administration is competent and right, it will be able to respond to the people and the parliament, and if it is incompetent and inept, the Parliament and the judiciary system would confront it based on the Constitution.
2. The legislation of new and clear election laws in a way that will restore people’s trust in free and fair elections without meddling and interference. This law should ensure the participation of all the people, despite their differences in opinions and views, and should prohibit the biased and partisan interference of the authorities at all levels. The primary parties in the early days of the Revolution can be considered as a model.
3. The release of all political prisoners and restoration of their dignity and honour. I am sure that this move would be interpreted as a strong point for the establishment rather than a weakness....
4. One of the necessities of improvement is the revocation of the ban on press and media and letting closed newspapers publish again. The fear of free media should be eliminated. International experience in this matter should be considered: the expansion of the satellite channels and their growing importance and the decisive influence of this media clearly show the inadequacy of the traditional methods and limitations of national TV and radio channels. Signal jamming and Internet censorship can only be effective for a short time. The only solution is having various free and informed media inside the country. Isn’t it time to turn our eyes back from beyond our borders to domestic political, cultural and social prosperity, a courageous act based on trusting the intellectual and innovative forces of the society?
5. Recognition of people’s rights for having legal demonstrations and forming parties and groups, abiding by the 27th principle of the Constitution. Acting in this matter, ith the wisdom and collaboration of all of the country’s enthusiasts, can replace the battle between the Basij and security forces and the people with an atmosphere of friendship and national affection.
More items can be added to the above list. In my opinion, even a clear small rivulet at this time can be helpful. It is not necessary that all these items be started simultaneously. Witnessing determination in this attempt will help to clear the horizon. And the last word is that all these suggestions can be executed with wisdom, insight, and goodwill, and without the need for treaties, negotiations, and political deals.
Mir Hossein Mousavi

Reader Comments (8)
Thank you very much for providing this, I think the added material adds a huge amount of insight to the five points! Clearly it gives us Westerners much more to ponder over and try to understand. I can't wait to hear reader perspectives on this full version of the statement. Does it change people's view of it to read the whole thing?
Thank you for the translation. I am a westerner who, with the rest of the world, has been watching the amazing events in Iran. I feel privledged to be able to do so. The Iranian people are amazing. Mousavi is eloquent as always and his vision inspiring and brave. I do not believe the current regime will ever voluntarily step aside or make the necessary corrections but that does not make Mousavi's vision for proceeding or for a future Iran any less relevant. Keeping an outstretched hand only strengthens the cause of those offering it.
Thank you for posting. His statement is definite proof of a highly intelligent, courageous and compassionate person, who is obviously being mistreated by an oppressive, cruel government. His love for people and human rights is very recognizable. We should all pray for him.
in original text there is no speaking of ALL political prisoners
if i read the original text i would think he means the post election political prisoners
you can read the original (farsi) and english translation here :
Is that a mistake in translation?
what you think??
Onlyme..., the original says "political prisoners", neither "some" nor "all". As it is not restricted, you can read it as ALL. Moreover it is a central demand of protesters, which Moussavi picked up prudently.
Hashemi said the same thing so mousavi didn't say anything new.
he could've done a better job by defining or even mentioning which prisoner he means.
"" all prisoner of after election unrest" or "all the prisoners of conscience" would work but to my humble opinion he left it open to negotiate for a reason.
Anybody else intrigued by Musavi's use of the calming "water" metaphor -- very similar to Rafsanjani's reference to "lucent water." Have I missed a Koranic or Persian poetic parallel to say, Psalm 23? That Musavi, Rafi, et. al. are using similar arguments strikes me as profoundly "interesting."
HHH Yes, the design of national policy is important, how our economic development plans for the next five years, how the implementation, how to make our economy even faster. Are designed to advance our focus to invest money in what ways it should be carefully arranged. duiqrw duiqrw - Red Wing Stroes.