Iran Document: Karroubi Responds to Threat of Arrest

Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, assumes that today the civil protest of the people of Iran depends or relies on an individual and, by eliminating or removing Mehdi Karroubi or Mir Hossein Mousavi, this movement will diminish or be repressed.
We witnessed that, with the same assumption, they arrested a group of political figures who have served the country and revolution, who had been ministers, deputy ministers, or members of Parliament, along with some journalists and a great number of people, in the middle of the night. They took them to prisons and put them under pressure and held show trials, but this movement not only did not stop but even strengthened. It is hard for them to accept this reality that this movement is spontaneous and is formed based on firm beliefs....
I was and will be a small servant of the people and as you know, such baseless remarks [made by the head of the judiciary] not only won’t make my determination weak in defending the rights of innocent and those who have been oppressed but rather will make it stronger....Sadegh Larijani thinks that by threatening and intimidating and talking about made-up files in the judiciary system, Mehdi Karoubi will be scared and will shiver from fear. No! Mehdi Karroubi stands behind the promise he has made to the people....
I wish instead of saying such dreadful and political remarks, Ayatollah Larijani would pay some attention to the justice and the judiciary system in the country and would take care of the Kahrizak case [the prison in which detained protesters were abused and killed] and would investigate the suspicious death of the young physician at Kahrizak [Ramin Pourandarjan]....I wish instead of all these remarks he would investigate, in the prisons of the Islamic Republic, what kind of language is being used by its interrogators.
Reader Comments (7)
On a humorous note and all due respect to Mr. Karroubi I can't help it that every time I see this picture I keep waiting for him to say:
(Loud breathing)"Luke I am you father...May the force be with you!"
Come now with that swishing cloak, Darth Vaders helmet, and a light saber he could be very well be the spitting image of Darth himself!!!
This is an absolute classic. One of his best responses IMHO.
To EA,
For the SOG, this an example of what I am sending out. I have emailed 400+ so far (including a Shiraz Uni professor and the chancellor) and I am doing another 1500+ pretty quick. I have received some responses so far, one chancellor did not know that he could do it. History professors. A law professor in the war crimes tribunal in The Hague and an UN Special Rapporteur to Palestine. If Mk does not get the Nobel, at the very least more people worldwide will be aware of the situation in Iran. Also I have to laugh at this - Shariatmadari of Kheyan infamy has called me a Zionist b/c of the Twitition for MK This is a badge of honour! Go for it Mehdi - go for it!
To Wangari Muta Maathai,
My name is David Branson. For the last two years I have been writing a book on the day by day and year by year in the lives of the people of the ancient near east. I am telling the story using their own words, from ancient texts. In June of this year I noticed on the net of the election in Iran. Because I am interested in this area I started to watch the news on the net. Since then I have put my book on hold, and have been watching the events. The reason that I am writing to you is, that because you are a laureate, you are able to make a nomination for the Nobel peace prize. I would like you to nominate Mehdi Kahroubi for the 2010 peace prize. I think he deserves it, as he is standing for the people who have no voice; and have been threatened by the government that refuses to listen to the peoples concerns and who disregards the threats made against him. I am contacting as many professors, laureates, chancellors, assembly members and governments as I can.
There is a good article on Mehdi Kahroubi on this website titled "The Sheikh of Reform: Mehdi Karroubi".
Yours sincerely,
David Branson
David Branson is right on. The people of Iran will win over the dark evil that haqs fallen over our land. We will defeat Zahhak and allow once afin for justice to shine. We must unite. These days there will be demonstrations in the hundreds of thousands all over the land. We need moral support from Obama, who has been too silent. Is he dancing the pas de deux of political correctness? But we must defeat the dark evil.
i just love to read comments like hossein one-and really, citizens of iran does not support the crazy agressive ideas of their goverment, as for israli-most of them against the conflict and constractios in gaza and so on. i really hope that the problem of middle east will be solved by peacful dialogue...
These events should be the occasion of all political tendancies, right left, and all moderate muslim supporters, whatever, it's the people who need support, against this regime. Lets forget the internal political arguments of all countries and just support basic human rights and democracy. That's the minimum.
I agree with you. I once said elsewhere here that I am happy to live where I do - rather than in Iran. I was chastised for that statement - something along the lines of "Oh, you kind of people always say those things"
I repeat it now - rather, I ask it as a question rather than a statement
Under current conditions, where would I rather live - in a western country - or countries such as Iran, North Korea, Zimbabwe and (where are you Samuel?) ANY Arabic country or majority Muslim country.
I am sure I don't need to say explicitly!