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Netanyahu in Paris: Is France Mediating Israel-Syria Talks?

Israel: Which is the Problem? Obama’s Policies or Netanyahu’s Culture of Fear?

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sarkozy-netanyahu_345On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met French President Nicholas Sarkozy in Paris. In contrast to the difficulties of Monday night's encounter with President Obama, there were public smiles. Moreover, there was no mention of French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner's criticisms of Tel Aviv.

The joint statement issued after the meeting called on Israeli and Arab sides to revive the peace process, underlined international efforts to stop Iran's nuclear programme, and mentioned efforts for peace negotiations with Syria. Netanyahu again stated that Israel was prepared for immediate discussions as long as there are no preconditions.

Two days after Netanyahu's visit, Syrian President Bashar Assad arrives in Paris. Although Paris has not confirmed a link between the two events, Sarkozy may be serving as the broker for a start-up of indirect talks between Syria and Israel. And that is probably the main reason for the friendliness and handshakes on Wednesday.

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