Iran: Karroubi Statement on Events at Iran Media Fair

Iran: The Karroubi Effect
Video: Karroubi & Crowd at Iran Media Fair (23 October)
The Latest from Iran (24 October): Resurgence
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English translation from Iran All Day blog:
On Friday I went to the Media Fair. On arrival large groups of people supported and welcomed me kindly. Then I went to the Exhibition Place. From there I was guided toward the booths to visit the Fair. Large numbers of people were kindly accompanying me though this path, and I repeatedly asked them not to chant any slogans.
Meanwhile a group of at most ten people (pro-Ahmadinejad hardliners) started chanting “Death to the Traitor”. When they insisted on chanting this slogan, the large number of people who were accompanying me in response started chanting slogans such as “Death to the Dictator”. All the witnesses can confirm that the number of people who were chanting against me was almost nothing compared to those who were chanting in support of me, while the number of people who were accompanying and supporting me was getting larger by minute.
What was interesting was the peaceful nature of those who were supporting me, and their calmness even when they were passing by some of the booths of the news agencies who are against reform . However, as the slogans increased, to prevent any tension that could have be used taken advantage by some to use violence against people, I decided that it would be best to leave the exhibition. When I informed the authorities they escorted me from a special route, and the people could not accompany me anymore.
After a few minutes when it got less crowded, a number of individuals whose presence was certainly planned, and as usual have no concerns regarding their actions, suddenly surrounded me and started chanting their usual slogans. They acted as they always do, and some of them started throwing different objects including brochures [at me].
Video: Karroubi & Crowd at Iran Media Fair (23 October)
The Latest from Iran (24 October): Resurgence
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English translation from Iran All Day blog:

Meanwhile a group of at most ten people (pro-Ahmadinejad hardliners) started chanting “Death to the Traitor”. When they insisted on chanting this slogan, the large number of people who were accompanying me in response started chanting slogans such as “Death to the Dictator”. All the witnesses can confirm that the number of people who were chanting against me was almost nothing compared to those who were chanting in support of me, while the number of people who were accompanying and supporting me was getting larger by minute.
What was interesting was the peaceful nature of those who were supporting me, and their calmness even when they were passing by some of the booths of the news agencies who are against reform . However, as the slogans increased, to prevent any tension that could have be used taken advantage by some to use violence against people, I decided that it would be best to leave the exhibition. When I informed the authorities they escorted me from a special route, and the people could not accompany me anymore.
After a few minutes when it got less crowded, a number of individuals whose presence was certainly planned, and as usual have no concerns regarding their actions, suddenly surrounded me and started chanting their usual slogans. They acted as they always do, and some of them started throwing different objects including brochures [at me].