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Iran: Enduring America Leads, The New York Times Follows

Iran: Karroubi Responds to Government Threats “Bring. It. On.”
The Latest from Iran (23 October): A Government Counter-Attack?

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KARROUBI3So this morning we open up The New York Times, and Michael Slackman is proclaiming, "A Lone Cleric is Loudly Defying Iran's Leaders". Now that headline on Mehdi Karroubi raises one eyebrow (more on that later), but it's this dramatic line that raises the second eyebrow:

"[Karroubi] has been threatened with arrest and, indirectly, the death penalty. His response: bring it on."

Hmm. Bring It On. Where have we read that before? Ahh, yes, this 15 October headline on a website called Enduring America: "Karroubi Responds to Government Threats 'Bring. It. On.'"

Now, Michael, we think you've done a great job covering Iran from Cairo and now from Riyadh, but give a quick mention to your scriptwriter, OK?

And while you're doing that, you might to reconsider your own headline of Karroubi as "Lone Cleric". I know, it resonates with Americans like us who grew up with the Lone Ranger, but you just wrote out dozens of other religious figures who even this week have continued their criticisms of the Ahmadinejad Government, their pressures for reforms, and their talks with "secular" politicians.

So, Michael, be careful with that Dramatic Reductionism, propped up by our one-liners.

Otherwise, we might have to Bring. It. On.

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