Iran Newsflash: National Unity Plan Submitted to Supreme Leader

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According to Habibollah Asgharowladi, the head of "traditional" right-wingers inside the Iranian Parliament, the National Unity Plan, "devised by some members of the Expediency Council", has been submitted to the Supreme Leader. He said all are waiting for Ayatollah Khamenei's critiques.
Details of the Plan will not be revealed at the present time because, as Asgharowladi puts it, "the enemy [Editor's Note: Who is the enemy?], who has superior listening capabilities, might be able to get hold of it soon" and possibly derail it.
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Details of the Plan will not be revealed at the present time because, as Asgharowladi puts it, "the enemy [Editor's Note: Who is the enemy?], who has superior listening capabilities, might be able to get hold of it soon" and possibly derail it.