Iran Latest: A Khatami Action Plan?

The Latest from Iran (23 June): Preparing for Thursday
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This purported letter from former President Mohammad Khatami has just posted on an activist website,"Release Iran". It should be treated with caution: for example, Khatami's call for a daily march to the Bazaar follows earlier Twitter chatter that Mir Hossein Mousavi was proposing the idea. Still, the general lines of the letter correspond with information we have been receiving about the stepping-up of the protest campaign in the next 48 hours:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
We are no longer going to waste our energy. We have said what needed to be said to the world, however now it’s time to act rather efficiently.
Effective this Tuesday June 23rd, 2009, every morning we shall protest towards the main bazaars of every single city in Iran. Should the revolutionary guards try to avoid the situation, the bazaar will be shut down. Should they don’t react to our protests, due to the mayhem caused by protesters, the bazaar will automatically shut down. Should they try to cut the phone lines around the country, yet again there will be a massive conflict within all the activities, resulting in the bazaar shutting down.
We shall bring our children along, and peacefully continue our protests. No sign boards, without wearing green, we go towards the bazaar with the intention of shopping. However we will buy nothing and we go with the aim of closing down the bazaar. We shall leave no marks or traces behind ourselves, not even showing the victory sign with our hands.
We shall only think of Victory. Should any of the hard liners and oppositions try to cause violence, we shall not interfere or get involved, since we are only there with the intention of shopping freely, therefore no one should fear and everyone should come along. If the revolutionary guards try to use tear gas against us, the bazaar will get shut down again. We should act smart and never ever get involved in any sort of violence.
The death of our youth and people is no good to anyone. Neither the reformists, nor Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi wants to see your sacrifice and martyrdom, what we want to see is your leadership and cooperation. What we needs is results, therefore it’s your duty to pass the news around and persuade every single Iranian looking for freedom and democracy to join us and follow this plan.
This plan will be very efficient and peaceful, which will result in least number of casualties, deaths or violence. This will bring millions of Iranians to the scene without any bloodshed. Don’t doubt the effectiveness of this plan, be prepared to hear rumors from oppositions about such plans being false. Don’t listen to what you hear, listen to your heart and remember, after all the bloodshed, you now have a massive responsibility on your shoulders, and that’s nothing but victory.
Now that we have so much restriction on our media, every single one of you should act as one. Spread the word around and act quickly.
Good luck.
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In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
We are no longer going to waste our energy. We have said what needed to be said to the world, however now it’s time to act rather efficiently.
Effective this Tuesday June 23rd, 2009, every morning we shall protest towards the main bazaars of every single city in Iran. Should the revolutionary guards try to avoid the situation, the bazaar will be shut down. Should they don’t react to our protests, due to the mayhem caused by protesters, the bazaar will automatically shut down. Should they try to cut the phone lines around the country, yet again there will be a massive conflict within all the activities, resulting in the bazaar shutting down.
We shall bring our children along, and peacefully continue our protests. No sign boards, without wearing green, we go towards the bazaar with the intention of shopping. However we will buy nothing and we go with the aim of closing down the bazaar. We shall leave no marks or traces behind ourselves, not even showing the victory sign with our hands.
We shall only think of Victory. Should any of the hard liners and oppositions try to cause violence, we shall not interfere or get involved, since we are only there with the intention of shopping freely, therefore no one should fear and everyone should come along. If the revolutionary guards try to use tear gas against us, the bazaar will get shut down again. We should act smart and never ever get involved in any sort of violence.
The death of our youth and people is no good to anyone. Neither the reformists, nor Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi wants to see your sacrifice and martyrdom, what we want to see is your leadership and cooperation. What we needs is results, therefore it’s your duty to pass the news around and persuade every single Iranian looking for freedom and democracy to join us and follow this plan.
This plan will be very efficient and peaceful, which will result in least number of casualties, deaths or violence. This will bring millions of Iranians to the scene without any bloodshed. Don’t doubt the effectiveness of this plan, be prepared to hear rumors from oppositions about such plans being false. Don’t listen to what you hear, listen to your heart and remember, after all the bloodshed, you now have a massive responsibility on your shoulders, and that’s nothing but victory.
Now that we have so much restriction on our media, every single one of you should act as one. Spread the word around and act quickly.
Good luck.
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