Video: Obama Decides Not to Release Photographs of Detainee Abuse

Latest Post: Mr President, Torture Still Matters - Obama Puts Away The Abuse Photographs
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I am still in a state of shock and anger over President Obama's decision --- I am tempted to say political capitulation --- reversing the White House acceptance of a legal decision ordering the release of photographs of abuse of detainees. I am saddened at the symbolic attempt to make torture go away, jaded by the specious pretense that release would endanger American troops (to the contrary, I suspect anti-American furour will be stoked by the White House refusal), and concerned that this undoes Obama's earlier attempts to improve America's image in the world.
Best, however, to sleep on these emotions until analysis can take over. In the meantime, here is Obama's announcement of the decision:
Related Post: Bush Official Zelikow Condemns Torture Programmes
Related Post: FBI Agent Ali Soufan Testifies on Torture
I am still in a state of shock and anger over President Obama's decision --- I am tempted to say political capitulation --- reversing the White House acceptance of a legal decision ordering the release of photographs of abuse of detainees. I am saddened at the symbolic attempt to make torture go away, jaded by the specious pretense that release would endanger American troops (to the contrary, I suspect anti-American furour will be stoked by the White House refusal), and concerned that this undoes Obama's earlier attempts to improve America's image in the world.
Best, however, to sleep on these emotions until analysis can take over. In the meantime, here is Obama's announcement of the decision:
Barack Obama,
Torture in
US Politics,
War On Terror

Reader Comments (3)
As disgusted as I am at Obama, I am equally disgusted at the Democrats who are justifying this action, which breaks several Obama promises all at once. Many people who protested torture and secrecy under Bush seem to think it's just fine under Obama. Betrayals of trust like this make the Democratic Party a bad home for principled liberals.
I applaud the president on this move.
What good would release of the photos do to anybody? The troops would be punished and our reputation would take a serious hit. These photos would be degrading to the people of the Middle East where most of these prisoners hailed from. It would have been a lose-lose situation.
This is one of the first moves where I support the president 100%.
I'm going to have to disagree with you Ryan. The reputation of the US is already tarnished - these photos would have only clarified this. Also, you seem to play down the importance of bringing the offenders to justice - how else will future troops learn if not by fear of prosecution given that the images demonstrate that we cannot rely on some spurious notion of common humanity? Obama has missed a trick - if the integrity of his presidency can be regarded as such. In short, bad move by big O.