Video: Who Brought Us Swine Flu? Illegal Alien Terrorist Mexicans

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Related Post: How Swine Flu Started - Nationalised Medicine, Poor People, Democrats
Hours ago, we posted "expert" opinions blaming Swine Flu on national health services, poor folks, and the Democrats.
That ain't nothing. Michelle Malkin is sure that the cause is "uncontrolled immigration", but it's radio talk-show host Michael Savage who puts the vital question, "Could this be a terrorist attack through Mexico? Could our dear friends in the radical Islamic countries have concocted this virus and planted it in Mexico?"
And at this point, I am lost for parody (especially when Joshua Holland observes, "In the middle of the 14th century,...a terrified and confused population blamed the Jews -- aliens in their midst -- for bringing the "black death" upon them):
Related Post: How Swine Flu Started - Nationalised Medicine, Poor People, Democrats
Hours ago, we posted "expert" opinions blaming Swine Flu on national health services, poor folks, and the Democrats.
That ain't nothing. Michelle Malkin is sure that the cause is "uncontrolled immigration", but it's radio talk-show host Michael Savage who puts the vital question, "Could this be a terrorist attack through Mexico? Could our dear friends in the radical Islamic countries have concocted this virus and planted it in Mexico?"
And at this point, I am lost for parody (especially when Joshua Holland observes, "In the middle of the 14th century,...a terrified and confused population blamed the Jews -- aliens in their midst -- for bringing the "black death" upon them):
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