Mr Biden's War? An Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy from 2007

Latest Post: Mr Obama’s War for/on Pakistan-Afghanistan - Holes in the Middle
Related Post: Two-Step Analysis of Mr Obama’s War Plan: Step Two in Afghanistan
Related Post: Two-Step Analysis of Mr Obama’s War Plan: Step One in Pakistan
Josh Mull is working on the idea that the Obama Administration's strategy on Pakistan and Afghanistan, to be unveiled later today, draws substantially from proposals put forth by now-Vice President Joe Biden almost 18 months ago.
As a Presidential candidate in November 2007, Biden gave a talk at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire on "re-engaging America in the world". His demonstration of US leadership (others in the world might not like us, but they recognise that we are the country that can make a difference) focused on a solution for the internal difficulties in Pakistan, linked to an escalation of the US military intervention in Afghanistan. Biden, in particular, offered a mix of American "soft power", reaching out to the Pakistani people, while emphasizing good governance and finding a way forward with Pakistan's military.
While I think the US plan in it specifics will look far different from Biden's 2007 conception, the general tenet of "engaging" with Pakistan while stepping up the Afghan campaign --- as well as the (superficial) mix of military and "soft power" programmes --- does underlay this Obama strategy.
Have a listen and see what you think.
Related Post: Two-Step Analysis of Mr Obama’s War Plan: Step Two in Afghanistan
Related Post: Two-Step Analysis of Mr Obama’s War Plan: Step One in Pakistan

As a Presidential candidate in November 2007, Biden gave a talk at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire on "re-engaging America in the world". His demonstration of US leadership (others in the world might not like us, but they recognise that we are the country that can make a difference) focused on a solution for the internal difficulties in Pakistan, linked to an escalation of the US military intervention in Afghanistan. Biden, in particular, offered a mix of American "soft power", reaching out to the Pakistani people, while emphasizing good governance and finding a way forward with Pakistan's military.
While I think the US plan in it specifics will look far different from Biden's 2007 conception, the general tenet of "engaging" with Pakistan while stepping up the Afghan campaign --- as well as the (superficial) mix of military and "soft power" programmes --- does underlay this Obama strategy.
Have a listen and see what you think.
Joe Biden,
Josh Mull,
Soft Power,
St. Anselm College in
India & Pakistan

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