Flashback: How Israel Denied Civilian Casualties in Gaza

Related Post: UN Report - Israel Violations of Gazan Human Rights “Too Numerous to Count”
As yet more reports, this time from Israeli soldiers and from the United Nations Human Rights Council, document the extent of Israeli abuses and killing of Gazan civilians, Enduring America takes a look back at the Israeli explanations --- and denials --- during the war:
On 27 December, Israel began bombing the 360 square kilometres of Gaza, in which 1.4 million Palestinians live. A day later, On 28 December, 2008, Tim Marshall of Sky News interviewed Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni:
Tim Marshall: “What concern the outside world it seems most of all is the civilian deaths. Now the death toll is approaching 300. Approximately a third to be civilians.”
Livni: “Not civilians!”
Tim Marshall: “Hamas is saying maybe 180 of its men of being killed. That leaves about a third of civilians. You do not accept of these figures?”
Livni: “We do not accept these figures and this is not only the values of the international community. These are our values as well. We are targeting Hamas, we are trying to avoid any kind of civilian casualties. Before the operation we called all the population which lives nearby Hamas headquarters to leave. We are doing everything in order to avoid or minimize civil casualties but a war is a war and these things can happen, this is not our intention but we can not avoid completely any kind of civilian casualties. But the possibility for this, lies on the Hamas shoulders.”
Almost a month later, Yigal Palmor, the Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman, claimed there was no evidence to support claims that white phosphorus bomb shells were illegally fired near civilians.
Subsequent reports by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and foreign journalists have documented evidence of the use of white phosphorous in crowded residential areas. The United Nations said that its headquarters were hit by three white phosphorus shells during the Israeli operation.
Israeli officials have fallen back on the claim of a "legal" use of white phosphorous on the battlefield. In 2005 spokesman Peter Kraiser told the BBC:
There's another part of Kraiser's explanation, however, which does not sit easily with the Israeli invasion of Gaza more than three years later:
In Gaza, where approximately 4000 people are jammed into each square kilmetre, no one can talk about “minimizing civilian casualties". The worst thing in this case is that, given the geographical and demographical data, even a 5 year-old child can tell you that phosphorus bombs will not only kill combatants/terrorists but also will take lives of dozens of women, children, and elderly people in the midst of crowded buildings located on narrow streets.
There is no 'but" after the revelation of innocents lives taken by disproportionate and illegal military operations. There is no escape with the hard-nosed declaration “war is war".

On 27 December, Israel began bombing the 360 square kilometres of Gaza, in which 1.4 million Palestinians live. A day later, On 28 December, 2008, Tim Marshall of Sky News interviewed Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni:
Tim Marshall: “What concern the outside world it seems most of all is the civilian deaths. Now the death toll is approaching 300. Approximately a third to be civilians.”
Livni: “Not civilians!”
Tim Marshall: “Hamas is saying maybe 180 of its men of being killed. That leaves about a third of civilians. You do not accept of these figures?”
Livni: “We do not accept these figures and this is not only the values of the international community. These are our values as well. We are targeting Hamas, we are trying to avoid any kind of civilian casualties. Before the operation we called all the population which lives nearby Hamas headquarters to leave. We are doing everything in order to avoid or minimize civil casualties but a war is a war and these things can happen, this is not our intention but we can not avoid completely any kind of civilian casualties. But the possibility for this, lies on the Hamas shoulders.”
Almost a month later, Yigal Palmor, the Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman, claimed there was no evidence to support claims that white phosphorus bomb shells were illegally fired near civilians.
Subsequent reports by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and foreign journalists have documented evidence of the use of white phosphorous in crowded residential areas. The United Nations said that its headquarters were hit by three white phosphorus shells during the Israeli operation.
Israeli officials have fallen back on the claim of a "legal" use of white phosphorous on the battlefield. In 2005 spokesman Peter Kraiser told the BBC:
It's not forbidden by the CWC [Chemical Weapons Convention] if it is used within the context of a military application which does not require or does not intend to use the toxic properties of white phosphorus. White phosphorus is normally used to produce smoke, to camouflage movement. If that is the purpose for which the white phosphorus is used, then that is considered under the Convention legitimate use.
There's another part of Kraiser's explanation, however, which does not sit easily with the Israeli invasion of Gaza more than three years later:
If on the other hand the toxic properties of white phosphorus, the caustic properties, are specifically intended to be used as a weapon, that of course is prohibited, because the way the Convention is structured or the way it is in fact applied, any chemicals used against humans or animals that cause harm or death through the toxic properties of the chemical are considered chemical weapons.
In Gaza, where approximately 4000 people are jammed into each square kilmetre, no one can talk about “minimizing civilian casualties". The worst thing in this case is that, given the geographical and demographical data, even a 5 year-old child can tell you that phosphorus bombs will not only kill combatants/terrorists but also will take lives of dozens of women, children, and elderly people in the midst of crowded buildings located on narrow streets.
There is no 'but" after the revelation of innocents lives taken by disproportionate and illegal military operations. There is no escape with the hard-nosed declaration “war is war".
Reader Comments (4)
lets talk about intent here Hamas wants to kill Israeli civilians and the only reason they were able to kill a handful was that they were not properly trained in the use of Iranian rockets (Katyusha's I think). On the other hand Israel is targeting only Hamas operational areas and unfortunately these terrorists choose to house themselves in the midst of civilians and hence the civilian casualties. We have seen clear evidence that Israel attempts to minimize civilian casualties as a lot of Hamas officials are killed in air strikes on their cars. This clearly illustrates that Israel runs IRS on these people and waits for the right moment when there will be the least possible collateral damage to strike. In addition to this the Israeli military spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year to develop systems that will minimize civilian casualties. Israel does everything humanly possible to insure minimal civilian casualties. The Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Israeli's in Palestine realize that only way to win this war is to win the hearts of the local populace so why would they want to kill civilians. I have served in the US military and we take the safety of civilians very seriously indeed and I am sure that the Israeli's have followed suit. GIVE THIS POOR COUNTRY BREAK THEY LIVE IN A PLACE WHERE EVERYONE IS INTENT ON KILLING THEM AND WHEN THEY RESPOND WE JUMP ON THEM. LOOK AT INTENT!!!
Evidence is now emerging daily that not "immature soldiers" but the rules of engagement themselves are responsible for the high civilian death toll during the latest offensive in Gaza - Ha'aretz presents evidence to support the allegations of deliberate targeting of emergency personnel in this article:
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1072830.html" rel="nofollow">"IDF soldiers ordered to shoot at Gaza rescuers, note says"
Slowly but surely it is no longer possible to deny the unthinkable - Israel is at war not with terrorists but the entire Palestinian people, the majority of whom - this can not be said often enough - do not want the State of Israel destroyed, they want their own state on what land they have left so that both people can live in peace and free from violence.
Uri Avnery's latest article certainly supports this conclusion, judging from a statement made by lawyers for the State of Israel:
"The matter [the new citizenship law] came before the Supreme Court, The petitioners, Jews and Arabs, argued that this measure contradicts our Basic Laws (our substitute for a nonexistent constitution) which guarantee the equality of all citizens. The answer of the Ministry of Justice lawyers let the cat out of the bag. It asserts, for the first time, in unequivocal language, that:
http://palestinechronicle.com/view_article_details.php?id=14936" rel="nofollow">'The State of Israel is at war with the Palestinian people, people against people, collective against collective.'"
Israel may investigate its own soldiers for possible War Crimes
Article By: donkylemore
Editorial and Opinion
the evidence stacking up against Israeli disproportionate military action in Gaza. the allegations of ethnic cleansing. the denial of Red Cross access to the afflicted .
the denial of Palestinians the dignity to bury their dead,
Bombing schools , clinics , hospitals , water and sewage facilities..
and now confessions from Israeli soldiers of possible war crimes.. why did Omert see fir to line op a defence team for the army even before any allegations were made against them View table of contents...
Submitted: Mar 24, 2009 Reads: 3 Comments: 0 Likes: 0
Whether an allegation of war crimes is made against Israel by the UN the Eu , Russia or ( least likely) by the USA, the stock answer of the Israeli military and any putative government , will be that the allegations are unbalanced , that Israel retains the right to defend her citizens , that Israel displayed exemplary caution and restraint during the invasion of Gaza.
An inkling as to the sincerity of this position can be gleaned from the fact that Omert had arranged a legal defence for the army well before any allegations were made.
That he should have deemed it necessary to have made provisions for lawyers for the army in this manner suggests that there was an ethos of complicity in the perpetration of war crimes hard wired into the military campaign , from the Omert government , at an early stage in the campaign.
Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary , Mark Regev is already parroting the same tierd old victimhood lines to the world press.
Where the Israelis have blocked supply lines from the International Red Cross for days on end , and where international reporters stood with these Red Cross workers Regev has and will continue to deny that it happened.
His recent interview with a BBC interviewer , who pilloried his feeble defenses ,fragment ing his utterly flawed rhetoric , left him not in the slightest way even embarrassed . Regev is either the ultimate and most consumate Zionist zealot or the most capable master of deception and appeaser of a genocidal policy within Israel.
When the Palestinians were refused to remove their dead Mr Regev will have another equaly assinine defense -’ we cooperate fully with the international Red Cross at all times.- is a line he resorts to quite frequently.
That the Isrealis have targeted clinics , hospitals , schools water and sewage facilities and that it legitimizes these targets while still denying access to Palestinians within Gaza , and only allows trucks containing aid in on a selective basis is further evidence of Israel’s determination to perpetuate their manifest ethnic cleansing of Gaza.
Building materials have at least until very recently , not been allowed pass throught the border crossings , thus thwarting any attempt at reconstruction , or even essestial repairs, and with the region warming paving the way for a multitude of outbreaks of infectius disease.
Admittedly , under the scrutiny of the world press, they have strategically allowed the convoy led by Mr George Galloway through. Not to have done so would have been deemed to a strategic gaffe.
But there are sufficient gaffes coming from within the Israeli military now. The admission that the soldiers used depraved and deadly tactics not just to kill the innocent Gazan civilians - one quarter of whom are children , and that these admissions include tactics designed and calculated to demean an already overwhelmed and fenced in population on non combatants ; - these may prove difficult even for the Israelis to defend .
They may well resort to the Bart Simpson defence - I didnt do it - You cant prove that I did it, - and even if I did it - no one saw me do it.
Is it likely that Israeli soldiers will be allowed even if they wished , to do so;, to give evidence against one another.
That the Israeli army should be allowed to investigate their own atrocities should and will not be countenanced by the world court.Whether they do so or not should not concern the civilised world,
The only reliable investigation which could credibly investigate allegations or war crimes (on BOTH SIDES) are members of the International Community ; the Red Cross,United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) the International Court of Human Justice , (The International Court of Justice (known colloquially as the World Court .)
But will the Army subject themselves to prosecution by the ICHJ - or UNCHR.
And what about Mr Mitchell , who so painstakingly sought peace in Northern Ireland - or Ms Clinton - where will these stand when the evidence stacks up in such a disproportionate manner .?
Yes of course there are war crimes to be investigated on the Palestinian side also; the use of human shields, the relentless bombardment with quassam rockets, .the targeting of civilian populations . These must be investigated with no less degree of scrutiny and without the yokel of the ‘ victimhood ‘ emasculation .
Alegations of war crimes shoulld be persued with all the rigour at the disposal of the investigating authority. Where war crimes have been proved , the perpetrators must be punished , from the botttom up- ie from the private soldier up to the highest genneral. Alternatively the course adopted in the Neurenberg trials could be adopted.
Where Government or an official organ of government was deemed to be complicit , a course of sanctions should be applied which is proportionate to the extent of complicity .
Finally , If we reflect on Operation Grapes of Wrath , whereby the Israeli army killed over one hundred civilians seeking refuge in a UN compound in Qana , Southern Lebanon , we must not expect any revelations from the Army in this more recent and much more barbaric case .
- but we will again hear the Holocaust argument - the Chosen People Argument ,
The drumbeat of the moraly dumb is already beating.
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